Chapter 20

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You knew exactly what he was referring to and you let out a sigh. 

"Sherlock, you have to understand me, with you being there, Mycroft will think badly of both of us. Not only that, he will be more hurt."

"Ok and?"

"Understand means listen to my words and think about them. Your actions will cause more problems that it will solve, thank you for wanting to help me, not help me help your brother and stay here," a cab pulled up and you got in, shutting the door quickly while giving the driver an address. You didn't look at Sherlock as you pulled away. 

You knew he'd still be there when you got back. Your heart sped up at the thought of being comforted by Sherlock Holmes. 

Once you arrived at the address you walked out and paid the driver. You walked up the slick steps and knocked on his door. He answered it, he was waiting. 

"I know."

"I'm not sorry," you shook your head, the coldness of the rain and your wet clothes sinking in. 

"I know. Why would you be when you had the chance of happiness since you were a child," you shook your head at his words. "God, you are so dense."

"I don't understand but, I want you to know that-"

"You took my advice from when we were younger, (y/n), you think I wouldn't remember my own advice?" You looked at his eyes, his words didn't match them. They looked like there was something more he wanted to say like something was bothering him and yet he wanted you to believe anything else. 

"You are one of my best friends Mycroft, I'm not willing to loose that because I was too naive or stupid," you told him.

"And against my better judgement, you are still one of mine," he looked away once he said this. Finally, the answer you were looking for. 

You leaned in and hugged him, you pulled him into the rain and let the rain wash and hideaway what he wanted to hide. 

He was a terrible liar. 

"God, why are you so cold," you knew he wasn't referring to your shivering state. 

"You and Sherlock are more alike than I thought," you said thinking about how both of them seem to speak in riddles whenever they talked about their feelings. At your words, he pushed himself away from your hug. 

"I know, just please don't do anything stupid, I understand this might be impossible for you," he said while turning to go back inside, and you laughed. 

You thought this confrontation was going to be so hard. 

"You know, no matter what you do to me (y/n), I know there'll be a reason to it, I'll never be mad at you. You are like an annoying little sister that I never really wanted." His own words came to your mind. He was hiding behind a truth long before he said those words. Mycroft never thought of you as a sister or just a friend. But for his little brother's happiness, he was willing to see you as nothing else but a sister. 

His moment of weakness was him taking his advice for you. It was him saying goodbye to his feelings. Your kiss to him was meant to be a change of behaviour for yourself, and yet he saw it as an opening for his bother. For you to confront your own feelings for once. 

He did everything for his brother. The rain made you numb but you wanted to stay in it. He left you in the rain but to be honest, this was better than him asking you to come inside. 

"(Y/n)!" you let out an audible gasp as you heard Sherlock's voice through the rain.

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