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    In all the years I had been alive, I never thought that being a dad was on my bucket list until I met Hannah.  Granted kids were more my thing then they were hers.  I liked being around little humans because well…some days Hannah told me it was because I was more like a kid than an adult.  I was fine with that though, I liked being that way.  It always made her smile and made me who I was.  Without that, I don’t think I would’ve gotten as far as I had in the music industry or in my love life.  We were serious dorks together and that made things work.

    But still…there were days I wondered whether my past family life would interfere with our kids when they were born.  My dad wasn’t exactly supportive all the time, didn’t take the time to get to know me and mom…well let’s just say she left me when I was younger.  Yeah dad remarried and whatever but it just makes me wonder what kind of father I’m going to make.  I want to know that I am going to raise these babies right, that I don’t have to fail at it and only realize that later in life.  I know Hannah is going to be a great mother and I know she is freaking out too, but somehow I think she has more of a knack at it than I do.  Her parents are good people.  They love and have understood who she is for a long time. 

    I just want to be that for the twins.

    “Baby!” called my pregnant wife from the kitchen.  She’s was going on one of her craving binges again, making something that had to do with chocolate and bacon.  Granted, I entertain her hungers as best I can but when she starts making really weird shit, I make her tone it down a notch.  A few weeks ago, she broke out a box of cheerios and was drenching it in chocolate syrup.  I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose between my fingers, hoping that she wasn’t going too crazy right now.

    “What’s up babe?” I replied as I stood, sauntering from the couch towards the aromas drifting from her cooking.  It actually smelled good, so that was a relief to say the least.  I had learned to trust my nose this far into the pregnancy and it wasn’t liable to lie to me.  Usually if it smelled rancid, it was.

    Especially that one time she had made caramel.  I was shocked as hell that the house hadn’t burned down.

    “Does chocolate and bacon go together?” she questioned, her bright hazel eyes shimmering as pieces of her copper hair fell into her face.  The bun she’d made wasn’t working too well and the bacon was burning, but I couldn’t help smiling at her before pointing to the smoke.

    “Well it might if you don’t char the pork before it’s done,” I responded, chuckling when she squealed and started to whisk it out of the pan.  Smoke went billowing up towards the roof and I quickly hit the fan button on the microwave so that she wouldn’t inhale too much of it.  I’d become pretty overprotective since she started carrying that bump, but I didn’t blame myself too much.  She’d become more of a klutz since she had been impregnated and that didn’t help her already uncoordinated self.  How she worked with horses on a daily basis made me wonder how she rarely got hurt.

    “Sorry,” she uttered shamefully, that beautiful, striking cerise color painting her cheeks.  I shrugged.

    “You’re the one with the cravings,” I teased, “I’m just along for the ride.”  She pouted.

    “Well shit,” she announced, setting the fork on the counter, “I guess that idea is pretty fucked.”

    “We could order out?  Chinese sound good?” I questioned, laughing when she wrinkled her nose in distaste.  She had grown intolerant of Chinese ever since she puked it up a few weeks prior.  The babies apparently disagreed on whether or not it was one of her favorite foods so she had decided not to eat it anymore.

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