2 - The Only Exception

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    My mother was fussing.  She was fixing my hair and straightening my dress and doing my makeup and putting me in an air locked compression corset that had titanium bones and absolutely no breathing room.  There were flowers in my copper hair, the pretty white blossoms delicate as they were tucked into the braided crown on my head.  More of the shiny red hair was flowing down my back in curls that my mom had created, the strands wispy as they rested against my pale white flesh.  The ivory lace and silk bodice was strapped way too tightly to my small frame and I was having a hard time staying conscious but this was mom’s thing and I was told to shutup and take it by my father.

    Hell they were paying for it so I guess I couldn’t complain as much as I wanted even though I had to bite my tongue every single moment.  I would roll my eyes when she wasn’t looking obviously but if she was, I was the pristine example of a happy daughter in a teeny, tiny wedding dress.

    “Moooooommmmmmm,” I called, drawing out the ‘o’ portion to enhance my annoyance.  This woman would be the death of me!  In the words of my dad though, she brought me into the world so it would be her job to take me out.  Still she was driving me insane.  I had wanted a simple, fifteen people wedding in our Colorado backyard but no, no that couldn’t happen in mom’s eyes.  I was her only daughter so she was going to have the wedding for me that she didn’t get.

    And I was going to take it and love it apparently.

    It didn’t really matter to me how much torment mom put me through though because I was marrying the man I had dreamed of marrying since I was about three years old.  He was goofy, fun to be with, sarcastic, boyish, handsome, creative and a whole slew of other things that I could list but was currently too lazy to do.  I knew he was out there waiting for me and that was all that mattered.  I would see him in his tux with his white rose tucked into the little pocket thing, hands behind his back while his sea foam eyes smiled at me from afar.  It was everything I had ever wanted and he was all I had ever wanted.  It was hard to comprehend that I had been able to live without him for what seemed like so long.  It was even more difficult to believe that after all the time we spent apart, after all the trials, tribulations and heartbreak that it was finally going to be him waiting for me at the end of the aisle.  I just closed my eyes and thought about the desperate need to meet him there in order to get through the ringer my mom had created.

    “What do you want now?” mom replied as she walked into the room, veil in hand.  I rolled my eyes.

    “You’re asking me what I want?  Jeez I’m tired of standing here in heels and being unable to breathe!  When does the ceremony start?” I questioned exasperatedly, dropping my shoulders and leaning back dramatically and groaning out the last bit.

    “Stop whining, gosh Hannah,” my mom replied as she stuck a comb with the attached veil in my hair, “I don’t know why you’re complaining-”

    “Because I can’t breathe,” I interrupted, “And where are the boys?  I thought they were going to be here soon to entertain me.”

    “Stop being a bridezilla,” she snarled sarcastically.

    “Ooo, that burned,” I snapped and the both of us chuckled as she fiddled with my veil again, settling it so that it would easily whip over my face and be just as simply moved during the ceremony.

    “They’re coming,” she said softly, “The dressmaker was pretty surprised to see four boys coming in for dress fittings you know?”

    “Pssshhhh I bet,” I laughed, trying not to make myself cry from the hilarity of the idea that Justin, Jack, Gabe and Sam would all be in dresses today.  I let them pick out their poison too since Jesse decided to be a wimp and be on Kellin’s court in a tuxedo.  They ended up with the most hideous, disgusting and poofy turquoise gowns I had ever seen.  Luckily they were so ugly that we got a deal on them and the seamstress was so perplexed that she did the work for cheaper than normal.  In that, we had been discovered by lady luck.

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