10 - A Twist in My Story

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    When they had brought her back, the scene looked like something out of a horror flick.  She was breathing, but only just enough that they had said they didn’t need to stick a tube down her throat to manually pump air into her lungs for her.  Still, she was hooked up to so many wires and devices and her head was all bandaged up…she looked bad.  Her face was so pale, her lips not as defined as they had been before all this mess.  Her eyes hadn’t opened, delicate lashes brushing over her freckled cheeks.  Body was cloaked in a hospital gown, arms and legs loosing their definition as she wasted away.  I swallowed the lump in my throat that threatened to make me cry again; I couldn’t shed any more tears though, I had to be strong for her. 

    It was hard to think with the room as dark as it was, the incessant drone of the heart monitor drilling into my head and making me want to break the damn thing.  I was kneeling by her bed, her hand in mine while I watched her for any signs of life.  I knew I was a mess, eyes feeling so tired that I could barely keep them peeled open enough to continue staring at her.  When the guys had showed up, they’d told me I looked like shit so I’d told them to leave.  They hadn’t.

    At the moment they were downstairs getting some dinner at the cafeteria.

    Instead of leaving last night, they had rallied around me, not loudly or anything - they knew I was going through a hard time -  but they managed to cheer me up a little.  Jesse and Justin had told Hannah some stories about being on tour and they had all pitched in to buy the vase full of lilies that Gabe brought up for her.  I was surprised they’d remembered but all of it had done nothing to make her stir.  They’d stayed up all night and all through the day with me, making me eat stuff I didn’t have the stomach for and giving me pep talks about how she was going to be alright.  I wasn’t shocked that they were here for me though; they were good guys, my best friends and they loved Hannah like family.  We were all one big family.

    I had to admit that it was nice they were here for me and that was really great, but I just wanted her to wake up.  What the fuck had I done in the past to deserve this?  Why was I having to watch my wife, the woman who had come back into my life like a sudden flame, die?  It wasn’t fucking fair.

    My hand squeezed her lifeless fingers, begging for a response.  When none were there to comfort me, I closed my eyes and sighed, blowing out a huge gust of negative air.  I couldn’t think that way.  She wasn’t going to die, there was no way in hell I was letting her off that easily.  My wife was going to have to put up with me and my friends and this life of ours for a long damn time; she wasn’t checking out of it without experiencing everything with me first.  She was going to open those big, beautiful hazel eyes at any moment, look at me and cause my heart to stop like it always did.  Even after twelve years of marriage, she still made my body catch on fire every instant our eyes connected and every minute our flesh touched. 

    That was why she couldn’t die.  Soul mates was a hard thing to believe in, but finding her was a miracle.  If my ex-fiancée hadn’t have invited her to the wedding, she would’ve disappeared from my life completely and yet I had known that if I’d ever seen her again, that would be it.  Even if I had been married to Katelynn I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stand seeing Hannah again.  We were connected by something thicker than I could put a finger on.  The only way to rightly describe it was that fate wanted us to be together for some reason.

    But for what?  So I could be here now in hopeless attempts to rouse her?

    “Fuck,” I muttered bitterly as I sat back down in the chair that remained at her bedside just for me.  I folded my hands and pressed them to my lips, trying to figure out what would make her open her eyes for me.  I couldn’t stand this waiting game much longer.  The doctors said that she could either wake up, or she would stay in a coma until she died.  They’d mentioned that there was no guarantee she would wake up and be herself either since brain surgery is so risky in the first place.

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