12 - You Kill Me (In A Good Way)

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    “You’re seriously going on tour!  It’s been six years since your last tour!  The kids are having that play thing on Thursday and you’re saying you’re leaving on Wednesday!  You just spring this shit on me all of a sudden!”  I was livid, blinded by anger as I scolded my husband.  I was thankful that the kids were having a sleepover at their friends’ house so that I could fight with him; part of me thought he purposefully did this so that we could be alone.  I could never really yell at him even now; I wasn’t that sort of person.  I didn’t scream like most women, I spoke with authority and tact to the best as I could. 

    “This is the first tour in years Hannah, how could I say no!  We’re going out with Vic and the guys and-”

    “I don’t give a flying fuck in space who you’re touring with Kellin, this is ridiculous!  You choose them over us!” I spat vehemently, turning away from him as I flexed my fingers angrily.  I stomped towards one of the dressers and leaned on it, trying desperately to alleviate some of the wrath leaking from me.  I wanted to strangle the gorgeous creature alive at this point and yet on the other hand I felt the need to burst into tears.  How could he do this to our family!  I know touring and music was his life, but now he worked at the record label and picked up the kids at school when I was busy working.  This wasn’t right, it was wrong for him spring this on me!

    “I’m going Hannah,” he snarled dangerously, “You can’t stop me.”

    “Oh no, of course not.  I’m not your wife, I don’t give a fuck what you do or where you go or if you’re there to see our kids do some stupid sixth grade play that you’ll get to see a million times because my mom is going to record it!  No, none of that matters to you when it comes to the guys, to your fucking friends does it?”  I let the first of the frustrated tears roll down my cheek and as unintentional as it was, I sort of expected him to back off a little.

    “You act like I don’t contribute anything to our family!”

    “I didn’t say that.”

    “But you’re sure as hell acting like it!”

    “Stop yelling.”

    “You started it dammit!”

    “I’m not even yelling at you and you know it!”

    “Well that did it huh?  Now you’ll yell at me.  I hate that bullshit where you try to keep your voice quiet, why don’t you just let it all out!”

    “Oh you want me to let it out do you!”

    “Yep, go ahead babe, the floor is all yours.”

    “Well you know what, I’m not going to yell because I don’t need to in order to get my damn point across.”  My upper lip curled as I rounded on him, eyes seething as I glared him down.  His eyes were intense but there was little expression on his face other than the raised brow.

    “Oh really.”  I hated that snarky, sarcastic tone he used.  He knew it pissed me off and only was trying to antagonize me into screaming at him; then again I knew it angered him that I used hushed fury to get my point across.  Seemed that we were at a bit of a stalemate when it came to figuring out who was going to give at this point.  My face felt hot though so I knew there was red on my cheeks and pale pink climbing downwards towards my collarbones.  I always turned colors when I felt any sort of emotion.

    My ginger skin seemed to take care of that.

    But I couldn’t really see what Kellin was thinking other than those ever expressive eyebrows that hovered over his oceanic orbs.  I wanted to punch him in the face right now but that was utterly unthinkable and irrational.  I knew I couldn’t do it, but in my mind I had beaten him to a bloody pulp and then suffocated him with a pillow.  Good thing I knew how to bring things back to life and could drag him out to the clinic to restart his heart if need be.  He was probably thinking the same thing at this point; more than likely wondering how to shove my dead body into a wood chipper.  I laughed internally at the thought, scoffing at the idea.  Still, his eyes only showed the stormy tidings of the sea and none of the things he was thinking came to light.  I knew he wanted to go, but at this point what was more important?  The band?  After all this time?

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