Chapter- 8

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"T-shirts, Check. Jeans, Check. PJ's, Check. Uhh.. I seem to be missing something. T-shirts, jeans, PJ's, socks. Oh yeah! Socks!!"

"Baekhyun. Honey, what are you doing?" I turned to my door as my mother walked in. She spots my little duffle bag and her arms are crossed over her chest instantly.

"Umma.. I'm just getting ready. I thought I'd pack some things." I said as I turned back to my wardrobe. Sorting through my shirts.

"Why are you doing that?" She asked. I then realized I hadn't told her yet. I stopped and looked back at her with a small smile.

"I'm going over to Sehun's for the weekend." Her facial expression would soften as she drops her hands to her hips.

"Can I assist you with anything?" "O-oh no, I can do it, umma. Thank you." She would stay quiet before she smiled and walked to the door. "Come down for dinner when you're done, sweetie." Mother closes the door, leaving me to myself.

I sigh and continue to sort through my stuff, and once I'm done packing, I make my way downstairs to the dining hall where mother and father were seated. We enjoyed the lovely food our cook prepared for us with a few talks every now and then.

"So, Baekhyun!" Father spoke, drawing the attention off my place and towards him instead.

"Yes, appa?" I looked up from my plate, using a napkin to wipe the side of my lips.

"Your mother just told me you're going over to Mr. Oh's place this weekend?" It sounded more like a question to me than a normal statement.

"Yeah, I am." I said, looking at my mother who gave me a sweet smile.
"Ah, I see. Well then, give my regards to young Sehun. Oh, and don't be up to any mischief, You understand?" He said sternly, making my palms clamp with sweat.

I awkwardly nodded with a half smile, my mother sitting by as she softly chuckled. She was so unfunny sometimes.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, shook my head and stood up.
"I better get going then. I'll see you soon." I greeted them and walked towards my bedroom. My parents would watch me leave with smiles on their faces, gosh, the last time I saw them smile so wide was when The Oh's paid us a visit.

I climbed into my comfy mattress and snuggled into my pillow, closing my eyes. The thought of seeing Sehun again in the next few hours had me smiling wide like an idiot. Oh Sehun, just look at what you do to me.. I dozed off into dreamland, waiting on time to hurry forward already.

* The Next Day *

"Be good now! And don't give Sehun any trouble!!" My mother lectured. I just shook my head, sighing.

"You know I'm far from a troubled child, umma. Take care of yourself, umma! Also appa, maybe take umma out on a date since I'll be away!" I winked, seeing my parents' faces turn red. No wonder I inherited that blush too.

"This kid.... I'll think about it!" My father said with a smirk, mother took notice and immediately hid behind Gina in embarrassment. Gina giggled as well, entertained by all of this playing out.

"Y-yah. Baekhyun! Get going now!" My mother waved, this time coming up to me and stroking the top of my head.

"Yes~ umma!!" I stuck my tongue and sprinted towards the limo. I could hear my mother sighing and couldn't help chuckling to myself.

"Where to young master?" Asked my driver as I strapped myself and lowered my window.
"To the Oh's Mansion, please!" The car soon began to move as I looked out my window and waved to my parents happily, their bodies growing smaller the farther I got.

Oh Sehun, here I come.

"We've arrived young master!" My driver announced as I pulled my headphones down to my neck and nodded.

Meant To Be! [EXO SeBaek/BaekHun Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now