Chapter 17

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Thanks for the 1.01k on my prologue!This ones gonna be short!!😉

Grayson's POV

It has now been a couple days since Andrew kissed Nelly, and I'm still not over it. I just want to tear him completely apart, limb from limb for touching what's mine! I swear as soon as I see him, it will go down.

Anyways right now I am on the plane back to Atlanta with Ethan. I can not wait to see my baby girl. The plan should go smoothly, first Ethan and I will go home and unpack, then....etc..etc..Sorry you guys, you will just have to wait and find out yourself.

"So what are you gonna about that Andrew guy?" Ethan asks me. I think for a moment while running my fingers through my hair then say,"I don't know I was thinking about killing him, but Nelly said that I was being irrational and that I shouldn't do anything stupid, so I might just beat him up."

Ethan looks at me for a moment the looks down at his phone mumbling,"You have so many issues..." I cross my arms over my chest and say,"And what will those be?" He saids,"One, you get angry too fast. Two, your too possessive. Three your very impatient. Four you fight too m-"" I interrupt him saying,"Okay I got it! Can you shut up now!"

"And once again I am proven right." He saids and I huff and say,"I know I get angry fast, I know I fight too much, and I know I'm impatient, but I'm not possessive." He burst out laughing, then watch me closely and say,"I just want to grab Nelly's big fat butt and give it a big squeeze then-" I cut him off by grabbing his wrist and squeezing it tight making him yell out in pain and I say, while letting go,"Watch what you say E."

He holds onto his wrist in pain and say,"See what I'm talking about!" I say,"I didn't even squeeze it that tight, and I'm not possessive, just territorial for what's mine and mine only. You'll feel the same way when you fall madly in love." He saids,"Whatever, but Nelly does have a big a-" I cut him off saying,"Don't try me Ethan."


After about two hours and thirty minutes, we finally land and grab our bags, then get off.

I call up an Über and we put our things in the trunk, then head to the house..

Nelly's POV

Right now I just got home from KFC. I hate they don't deliver. I flop down on the coach in the living room and scream loudly, since no ones home.

After a couple minutes, I get up and got to my room to change into a pair of red spanks and a white t shirt, then I grab my speakers and carry them downstairs with me.

I plug my phone in it and play a Michael Jackson playlist. Then I get up and go to the fridge and grab my strawberries and sugar them up in a cup. Next I grab some whipped cream and spray a bunch on there and slap a fork in there.

Once I'm done preparing that, I turn on the oven to four hundred so it could heat up faster, then I grab some gram crackers, marshmallows, and some of my mom's Hershey chocolate and put the marshmallow on my fork.

Once the oven is heated enough, I put the my marshmallow in and once it catches fire, I take it out and blow it, then put it in between the crackers.

I put my s'mores on a plate, cause I decided to make five, and grab my cup and sit down in the sofa. I know y'all probably like 'Didn't she just have KFC?' I just like to eat a lot, the crazy thing is I don't gain a pound.

Anyways, Break of Dawn comes on and I immediately get up and start dancing with the music blaring loudly in the speakers.

Grayson's POV

Ethan is at the house preparing everything that I have planned for me and Nelly, and I just pulled up to Nelly's house.

I grab the roses I brought for her and get out of my car and lightly close the door so she won't know I'm here yet.

As I'm walking to the door, I hear a bunch of loud music coming from the inside of her house so I bang on the door hard so she can hear me. I hear the music turn down and she starts unlocking the door. The anticipation is killing me.

As soon as she opens the door she screams,"GRAYSON!!" I put the roses down on her patio chairs then pick her up, taking in her scent saying,"PRINCESS! I missed you so much!" Her warm soft body against mines feels so good. I've missed this. Her. I hear her sniffle and say,"I missed you too prince!" I love it when she call me that. I grab the roses while still carrying her and walk into her house, shutting the door behind me.

She gets down from me and we just admire each other in silence, besides the soft music playing in the background. I pull her close to me, needing to fill her body again, and look deeply into her chocolate brown orbs and see that they're glowing a lot more than they did when I left. I lift my hand up and play with some of her curls, taking in how soft they are, still not taking my eyes off of her for a minute.

She reaches her hand up and pull me in for a kiss. I immediately melt into the kiss from her soft plump limps and rest my hands on her waist pulling her closer.

We continue to kiss at a slow pace as I sit down on the coach and pull her down on my waist. I trail my hands down to her bottom and give it a playful smack making her slightly squeal allowing my tongue entrance to freely explore her mouth. She moans in the kiss as I grind into her.

I pull back a little to where our noses are touching and say,"Your mine Nelly, and if I find out that some guys kissed you again, then I will show no mercy on them. So you better let them know who your with, cause you know I don't like sharing understand?" She nods and I bite softly down on her neck while squeezing her butt saying in a more demanding tone,"Understand!" She moans,"Yes!" I smile in satisfaction and she pulls me away and say,"Grayson I'm so in love with you." I feel my eyes water a little at the sound of sincereness in her voice and touch the side of face saying,"And I'm madly in love with you Nelly Tori Simmons Dolan." She giggles a little then say,"Are you ready?"

I say, confused,"What are you talking about baby girl?" She smiles then say, while trailing her fingers up my chest,"For me to make love to your mind.."

Sorry it was short! I just wanted to give you guys a teaser!😆But vote for it please! Next chapter will be great!!!

Question?-Is there anything that I can do to improve my book or is it good as it is?

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