Chapter 33 Part 1

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Sorry for any errors! Enjoy!

Nelly's POV

I watch as Grayson crinkles his eyebrows together in his sleep and smile at his handsomeness. Then I yawn and try to sit up on the bed, but his arm, that's wrapped around my stomach, instantly pushes me back down on the bed. I cry out,"Ahhhhh!" And Grayson quickly snaps out of his sleep and look at me with concern written all over his face saying, while breathing frantically,"What's wrong baby?!" I wince and say weakly while pointing to my stomach,"M-My ribs Gray... You pushed your arm in them to pull me down when I tried to get up."

He notices his hand still wrapped around my stomach and quickly pull it away saying,"I'm so sorry princess, I-I didn't mean to I promise." Before I can say anything, he quickly climbs on top of me and run his hand across my stomach softly then start kissing it repeatedly saying,"I'm so so so so so so sorry." I smile and lift his head up and notice that his facial expression now looks like he's about to cry and my heart drops at the sight. I cup his face in my hands saying,"Baby... It's okay alright? It was an accident see, I'm fine."

He saids, while cupping my face in his hands,"Are you sure princess?" I smile at him lovingly and say,"I'm positive prince." He halfway smiles not fully convinced and say,"Okay beautiful, if you say so." Then he closes his eyes slowly as he starts to lean in and kiss my lips. I close my eyes as well and let all the passion, desire and love sink in as our lips flow in perfect sync with each other's. He thrusts his tongue across my bottom lip eager for it to roam my mouth and I allow him full access. As his tongue intertwines with mine, he taps my thigh, indicating that he wants me to put them around his waist and I gladly do that.

He grinds his hips forward against me and I through my head back moaning his name, causing him to groan and grind harder while rubbing my thigh. He pulls back and start kissing my neck saying,"I love you so much beautiful, you just don't know..." I moan as he finds my sensitive spot,"I love you more baby, you have no idea.." He pulls back and smile down at me as I breathe heavily, then he saids,"I have something for you baby girl." I smile and lift up my right eyebrow in confusion saying,"Really baby? For what?"

He kisses my neck one last time then get off of me and walk towards the couch saying,"I was gonna give you these things when we got back to Atlanta, but seeing that you might be in here for a while I wanna give them to you now." He's such a sweetheart... I smile and watch as he grabs three boxes and a gift bag from......Victoria's Secret! Along with another gift bag! Yay!! I gasp and say,"Babyyy." He smiles from ear to ear and say, handing me the box labeled in pink print 'Star Beauty Apparel',"Here open this one first."

It feels like Christmas! I take it out of his hands and sit it in my lap opening it anxiously. My eyes widen as I see a pink silk robe with pink feathers at the tips and words going across the back saying 'Grayson's Queen'. I feel my eyes start to water up at how beautiful it is and turn to him saying,"Thank you baby! I love it!" I hug him and he chuckles while taking the box from my lap saying,"Don't thank me yet mio amore..."

I grow more anxious as he hands me another box labeled 'For My Love' and I sit it on my lap and open it slowly. I smile in excitement at all of the t-shirts, socks, candy, and a sparkly pink studded microphone. I say,"Gray!! This is amazing!" He chuckles and peck my cheek scooting closer to me saying,"Anything for you my love, now I got you this mic because I know you love to sing and you do it like an angel so maybe you can start doing it more often, and I have the speakers for it back at my house. I love your voice baby girl.." I smile at him tenderly and kiss his cheek saying,"And I love you Gray."

He saids,"I love you more sexy, now come on come on, you have one more box left and then these bags." I chuckle and nod as he hands me the last box. This box is labeled 'Puma'!! No he didn't... I open it and squeal saying,"Yess! Thank you Gray!" I hold up the pink puffy Puma slides and examine them as Gray just chuckles watching me. He's the best boyfriend ever! He takes the shoe box away from me and place a bag in my lap saying, while licking his lips,"Now open this one..."

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