Chapter 27

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Über sorry for the late update but here you go! Continue voting and commenting as you go along! You can yell at me in the comment section.

Picture up top of Gray's parents!

(A couple months later)

Nelly's POV

It was a hot summer night, and there was a violent storm headed our way... I'm just kiddin y'all, I'm packing my bags right now. Yup! Me and Grayson are leaving for Jersey tomorrow and I'm super excited! But also a little nervous to meet his family.. He saids I have nothing to worry about though so I just have to take his word for it. I was real surprised when my parents said that I could go in the first place, but hey, I'm not complaining...

"I can't wait for you to meet my family! Especially my dad! I know he'll love you princess." I smile and say back to Grayson through the phone,"I really hope so Gray." He saids, while groaning,"Nelly baby everything will be okay alright? We are going to have a lot of fun, believe me..." I laugh and say,"You thinkin dirty again Gray?" I hear his smirk when he saids,"Only bout you baby girl..." I blush and continue the rest of my packing..

The next morning...

I wake up around eight o'clock and quickly do my hygiene and change into a pair of pink Adidas joggers and a white t-shirt along with my pink Nike slides and grab my bags and head down stairs to wait on Grayson. Since he said that he already got us breakfast, I just sit and wait until he gets here and write my parents a note telling them that I've already left.

After about a couple minutes I hear a knock at the door so I say 'I'll be right there' and walk upstairs to my parents room and kiss their cheeks and say goodbye, I also do the same to Valentino and Michael. Then I go downstairs and grab my suitcase and open the door revealing Grayson wearing basketball shorts and a blue t-shirt with some vans and a smile on his handsome face.

I give him a quick hug and he saids, while hugging me back,"Hey baby girl, you ready to go?" We pull back and I say,"Yeah I'm ready." I turn around and lock the door, then we walk to his car and put my things in his trunk then we pull off.

After about and hour of driving and talking to each other, we finally reach the airport and go through the security and all that good stuff. As we are walking to boarder the plane, I say to Grayson,"So what are we gonna do when we get there G?" He chuckles and say, while carrying our bags,"G? Hmm. I like it. But um when we land, my dad will pick us up and drive us to the house where we can rest off the jet lag. Then all five of us, since my mom and Ethan are already there, will have a nice dinner on the beach. Sounds good to you?"

I smile at him and say,"Yeah, that sounds good." We finally get on the plane and Grayson puts our luggage up then sits down next to me. He saids,"You ever flew on a plane before baby?" I say, while looking out the window,"No. I'm actually afraid of heights.. But it can't be that bad right?" He saids, while holding my hand,"When we take off, you'll feel the turbulence of the plane but once we're in the air it'll go away. You'll be fine baby girl."

I just nod and continue to look out the window until the flight attendant saids it's time to take off and not even three minutes after she said that I started to feel the plane vibrating vigorously as we take off. I start to panic and my breathing picks up. Grayson rubs my thigh and say,"Just breathe baby, in and out. It'll be over before you know it." Uhh this sucks! I do as he said and breathe in and out slowly trying my best to relax.

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