Chapter One: Girls

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Chapter One: Girls
Sam was sick of it. Never being able to sleep; always being traumatized.

All because Dean was having sex too loudly.

It was awkward when the girls made small talk with him in the morning, when he had just heard them using DIRTY talk in the room next door. But he just smiled and nodded politely.

So, Sam did what he had to do.

He quietly snuck into Dean's room. He wasn't home; probably banging another chick.

He easily found his condoms in his boxers drawer, and flicked the pair of scissors in his hand.

He poked holes.

He silently laughed into his pillow as he heard the girl moan through the wall that night.

Over the next couple of weeks, Sam started to feel guilty for what he did. But he had to reassure himself. It's not like the girl was going to get PREGNANT.

Until there was a knock on the door.

"Monica?" Dean asks, as she awkwardly stands in the hallway of the hall of their apartment building.


"Oh. Sorry. I was just watching Friends. But what are you doing here? I thought we agreed our one night stand was just night thing..."

"Dean, there's no easy way to tell you this."

"What's going on...?"

Sam was now trembling in fear, sitting on the couch.

"I'm pregnant."

"But we used a condom!" Dean cries out, scared as hell, not seeming to care Sam was listening. Then again, he DID let him hear him screw girls almost constantly. So he figured why not let him hear this.

"Well I guess we weren't safe enough, Dean..."

"Well condoms DO only work 97% of the time. Like I said I was just watching Friends."

"Well what are we gonna do? We're only nineteen I can barely even take care of MYSELF!" Brandey cries out. "Brandey, relax. Now please step out in the hall so I can discuss this privately with my brother."

"But Dean-" he pushes her out into
the hall and slams the door in her face. He turns around to Sam, frozen on the couch. "Wow. You know you seem REALLY calm about this" Sam says.

"Are you kidding me?! I'm freaking out! I can't be a dad! Not in THIS life! And what about OUR dad?! I'm gonna be all KINDS of dead!"

The phone suddenly rang, causing Dean to yelp out. Sam huffs, and looks at the caller ID. "It's dad."

"Tell him I went to Indiana!"

"Dean, we're IN Indiana."

"Fine, then! Utah!"

"Dean, HE'S in Utah."

"Then just answer it! Tell him I'm showering!"

Sam picks up.

"Hi dad" he's trying to sound casual.

"Hey Sam how's everything going?"

"...good. How's the hunt going?"

"Well, I ain't gonna lie. It's gonna be a while."

"Really? How long?"

"I'd say...nine months, maybe a year."
"Okay...that sounds...alright..."

"Can I talk to Dean?"

"Um he's showering. Could I take a message?"

"Could you just tell him to call me?"
"Will do. Bye dad."

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