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My eyes stung from the cold air making contact with my dreary irises. I was sure that my eyes were pink, and had bags forming under them. After yawning several times, I found myself sipping on ice water frequently. I was doing what Dre asked me to do, find out information in regards to Eric and Suge Knight. It was a little past 3 A.M. and I haven't stayed up this late since I don't know when. Even as a doctor I still maintained a normal sleeping schedule. I decided to do this at night whilst Caine slept because it'd leave him curious as to why I'm putting so much effort into this situation. And if I introduced the idea of Suge Knight killing Eric then his first instinct would be to think that I was crazy. So it'd be best to avoid the extra.

I had gathered all information that I could, I could only look so far into Eric's records. One of my close friends whom worked with the medical records couldn't even give me what I wanted, it was entirely too risky. She could've got fired for even giving me the documents that I have.

All I know so far was that Eric's last visit to the doctor was just 2 weeks prior to his official diagnosis. Just a mere check up, no signs of illness. Whoever did the check up, they noted that he complained about pain on the left side of his body, mainly his forearm. Partially healed cuts and bruises. What the hell? What did Eric get into? Then boom: jackpot. Small puncutre on the inside of left arm. Could that have been where the needle was injected?

My heart rate picked up, and I read over the collection of documents over and over. Did Suge really try to attempt to murder Eric? I ran my hands up my forehead, moving my bangs out of the way, raising my eyebrows. Letting out a puff of air, I whispered, "Wow."

I heard faint footsteps from down the hall, none other than Caine's. About 3 seconds later, he appeared in front of me, eyelids hanging low like mine. "You still up?" He asked me, eyes falling to all the papers on the coffee table.

I nodded, resting my cheek on my fist, propping my arm on my thigh. Even when just waking up, Caine was a piece of divine chocolate. Thick lips so kissable with his soft brown eyes. Only sporting maroon colored boxers, he looked sexy as ever. I started to feel terrible in regards to how I've been neglecting our relationship.

"I think I'm finished, though," I added in prior to getting up and stretching. Then striding over to Caine to hug him and lay my head on his bare chest. His warm hand made contact with my back, sending a comfortable vibe.

His chest vibrated from a chuckle, "I'm proud of you, baby, you know that?" Placing a kiss on my forehead, he added in, "I'm with the first doctor to cure AIDS, ain't that some shit. Then you rockin' with Eazy E, one of the greatest of all time. You came a long way, K."

I blushed, burying my face in his chest with a smile. He made me feel like I was on the top of the world, he was my king.

- - -
"Since I got out, shit a lot been on my mind man." Eric tore at his slice of smoked ham, eating a piece.

We hadn't had much one on one time since he was out, so I took this opportunity to have breakfast with my friend. I know Eric had still been tired, and he'd been ripping and running since he left the hospital. I was glad to be the one who gave him some down time.

I had stared out the large ceiling to floor window placed beside our table, staring at the sunny LA scenery. "Hit me with it, E. " My mind then started to travel back to Suge.

"That shit really happened to me. Real shit, I think that was a wake up call, Dre. I was in that bed about to die, man. This thing is real, and it doesn't discriminate." Eric slurped down a bit of orange juice and shook his head. I could sense his emotions, not on some softy shit, but I could feel where he was coming from. E was traumatized, that shit was no joke.

"That shit with the contracts, what happen? Technically, I'm still on Ruthless." I said, prior to taking a bite of hashbrowns.

Eric just straight faced me, like I had just ruined his mood. It wasn't in my intentions to make the situation about myself, I was hoping he'd say some thing about Suge.

"Why bring that shit up? Damn Dre. And 'technically' my ass, I didn't sign shit for his mark ass. Who told you otherwise? Nigga took my shit. " Eric snapped. But at this point I was confused, Suge took what?

"What you mean he took yo shit?"

"Fuck man, that ain't important. I ain't tryna be bitter off that shit no more."

It's like Eric was sending mixed signals, like he was touching in on something I didn't know. This entire thing was a damn migraine, and shit wasn't adding up. "E, man, is there something you wanna tell me? Cmon man, you my nigga."

"I ain't got shit to tell you, Dre. What? That bitch nigga told you to ask questions or some shit? Man, fuck this, I'm gone." Eric was acting like the biggest drama king in the world.

"Nigga, you know that nigga ain't tell me to do shit! I'm your best fuckin' friend, and fact that you actin' like this right now basically says that you don't give a fuck." I shouted, earning stares from old white people at different tables.

"Well nigga, you done guessed right. 'Cuz I don't give a fuck. Now you have a nice day patna." Eric got even louder, finished off his orange juice, and stormed out.
partial filler chapter :p
Caine in the mm, because hes sexy asf.

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