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This one is more form fitting, and you got big hips, so that's good. Or you could get a mermaid dress, I don't know, I just want your booty to pop. You most definitely need a strapless one, no doubt about that." My ears became dramatically insensible to Khadijah's cordial wording. It soon became none other than a mere white noise, blending in with the other people in this pearlescent bridal shop. She had dragged me to some bridal shop on Sunset, when I clearly told her we could go to the one in Marin. This was my wedding we're planning, I thought everything would've needed my blessing, but Khadijah wasn't trying to hear that. She had better got ready to catch this attitude, because it was most definitely coming. I was oblivious to the end of her 'speech' until she patted my shoulder rather harshly. "Kuneka! For someone who's getting married soon, you sho'll don't seem interested." If I wasn't some doctor turned cheater, I would have had more enthusiasm.

With narrow eyes, I shot Khadijah a look and said, "I'm interested, I'm excited, Dee. I appreciate the help, but do I not get a say in this?" While Khadijah continued to eye the mannequins sporting elegant dresses, she did not hesitate to let out an obnoxious huff of air.

"I'm just so excited, I've dreamt about weddings since I was a little girl! I wish I was gettin' married," Khadijah said with a slight pout. I had wished she was getting married, too. She deserved it more than I did.

I had only gave her a smile, due to being unsure of what to say. Khadijah was my best friend, meaning I told her everything. But I had yet to tell her what I did, subconsciously scared of her reaction. She had known that I felt neglected in my relationship with Caine, she probably presumed things were getting better. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions, though. I hadn't even been able to make eye contact with Caine, he was just throwing so much at me, not knowing how overwhelming it was. I became so quiet and reserved recently, and Caine would ask why, I'd just say that I was just so happy. And I was happy, or so I thought. The timing was just wrong, and at this point in life, I realized longevity is based on timing. Juggling a wedding, a career, Eric and Suge wasn't easy. And I could've been a dick and said fuck everybody, and did my own thing. But that wasn't where my heart was at. But most of the problems that I was facing were only caused by none other than myself.

"I like this one," I pointed my finger to a mermaid dress that was placed in front of the window. It had a halter collar in which was see through, while the torso was adorned with a sparkly lace. The skirt part consisted of the same mesh from the collar, exposing some leg, and ended with lace again.

Khadijah rolled her eyes, "That's the one I was talkin' about, if you were listening. It's 1100$." I cringed at her words, I forgot how expensive a wedding was. Another thing that was now on my stress list. It's not like I didn't have the money, but I wasn't the pretentious, swimming in cash type of girl. My career made me wealthy, but I didn't flaunt it.

"Ladies do you need help?" A mocha skinned woman approached Khadijah and I.

"Yes, she'd like to try this on," Khadijah spoke for me, whilst pointing to our designated mannequin. The woman gave us a simple, 'Okay', and disappeared into the back. Before we knew it, she was back with the dress, and Khadijah was shoving me into a dressing room. I hung the dress on the door, and started to remove my clothes. Discarding my jeans, my pager beeped as soon as it slipped from my pocket, hitting the floor.

"Damn," I mumbled, silently praying that it didn't break. This would have been my 4th pager in this year alone. Picking it up, I was relieved to find out it was okay. I had a page from none other than Dre, immediately recognizing the sequence of numbers. I decided that I'd call him after this, whatever he had to say couldn't have been that important if he didn't call first. Continuing my prior actions, the dress loosely fit as I needed Khadijah to zip me up in the back. "Dee..." I said, stepping outside. Khadijah was immediately to my aid as she zipped the back of the dress with a grin.

Khadijah teased, "Sister! Look at you!" I couldn't lie, it was a beautiful dress. Hugging each and every one of my curves ever so lovingly. The glitter made my copper skin glow. My train of thought was derailed when my pager went off again. "Ugh, who is that?!" Khadijah rolled her eyes.

"Dre, I don't know what he wants."

The subject was changed when the same woman from before approached us, "You like?" Both Khadijah and I nodded with a smile. "It's 1100, but I'll let it go for 950."

"Deal!" And with that, she measured my bust, hips, and waist, she trimmed the dress and told me it would be ready in a couple of days. Khadijah and I parted our ways, and I made a trip to Dre's house after his 3rd time paging me. What was with all the urgency?

Upon arrival, it didn't take long for Dre to acknowledge my presence, he opened the door within seconds. "Suge wasn't having that signing shit you suggested, the nigga makin' threats and shit. We gotta start thinkin'. Why you ain't call me?" I frowned at his lack of proper greeting, simply pushing past him to get inside. Dre just stared at me, awaiting a response.

"I was pickin' out my wedding dress." I calmly said, Dre just gave me a straight face.

"You gettin' married?" He questioned with a puzzled look on his face. I just simply nodded. He responded, "Cool." I don't think he knew what went down between Eric and I. But I wasn't going to tell him.

I nodded slowly, "So, you thought of somethin'?"

"Naw, why you think I paged you? I ain't wanna call the niggas until I had somethin' else planned." Silence fell upon us, leaving us to our thoughts. This situation was really straining my emotions. It seemed like everything just wouldn't lay down flat. It baffled me that we had to think of a whole new plan, after I constructed one weeks ago. "We could," Dre began to speak, but the front door opened. A very pretty woman came in, cream skin with high cheekbones, I think this was Nicole, whom Dre talked about so much.

"Baby, hey." Dre said as smirk grew on his face. Nicole had no readable expression on her face, she just stared at me with a straight face.

"Who's this?" She questioned as she stood in the doorway with twisted lips.

I introduced myself, "I'm Kuneka." I smiled at her but she kept the same blank expression.

"So because I leave that gives you the right to have some other woman in our home?" Nicole blurted out with a shaky voice and Dre started to frown.

"What the fuck are you talkin' about it ain't even like that." Dre shouted. One thing I had noticed about him is that he became angry really fast, his temper was extremely limited. I quickly became offended when Nicole depicted me as a target. This foreshadowed the lack of trust in their relationship, but it wasn't any of my business.

"It doesn't even matter, Andre! I came to get the rest of my things, fuck all the girls you want because my child and I will be just fine!" Nicole stormed up the stairs while Dre followed her, screaming about how insecure she could be sometimes. See, I wasn't one to 'pop off' at the fact she started jumping to conclusions, because I knew that Dre and I were only friends. So I had nothing to worry about.

Nicole must've been one angry bitch, because that night I had been exposed for cheating. But not in the way that you'd assume. She had ran her mouth to the tabloids, so now almost every media outlet labeled Dre as a cheater, and myself as a gold digging doctor.      

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