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The city of Compton was nothing but beautiful in it's own unique way. It was only the middle of the day, but the sun kissed the city ever so lovingly. But I know one thing: it was hotter than a mothafucka! When you've been shooting a video all day, I don't think anyone could disagree with my previous statement.

After several takes, the video was finished and ready to be edited. Pac had already left seeing as he had other stuff to handle. So Snoop and I decided to kick it on the set.

"Finally got this fuckin' shit done, yo." Snoop's voice tightened as he talked, puffing smoke through his nose right after.

It was funny to me, before I even met Snoop (which was only mere months ago), I never smoked weed at all. Now with him its become sort of second nature. It was the norm.

He flicked the last of the blunt onto the concrete and smashed it with his navy blue Chuck Taylor's. I scoffed and thought to myself, 'This nigga smoked a whole blunt and ain't offer me none?'. But I didn't trip, too much other shit to be worried about.

"You ain't lyin'." I said, taking a seat on one of the long beach chairs. Staring at the concrete, I just sat there gathering thoughts. It had been a long day.

Snoop took a seat on the beach chair across from me, and said, "You straight man?"

"Tired, man. Just alot been on my mental lately."

"What's the haps with Eazy? How he doin'?"

I chuckled at the thought of my best friend doing great, "He makin' it through. I went to see him this mornin' before we started filmin'. That nigga crazy, but that's my dude."

"What's up with Suge? I mean, that nigga been buggin' since birth, but he extra buggin' now. Nigga's trippin'." Snoop said as we watched Suge from afar. I think he was in a phone call, as his hand was up to his ear and he paced subconsciously.

"Who you tellin'?," I said, "he still tryna get me to turn on Eazy and them. That's all that nigga been worried about."

The two of us still intensely watched Suge as silence fell upon us. Nothing could be heard but the still air flowing and faint music. The peacefulness was interrupted with a, "You think, maybe, he tried to kill E?"

What? I immediately rose from my seat, a frown plastered on my face. "Where you get that shit from?!" A million thoughts were running through my mind. Suge was crazy, I've witnessed him do off the wall things, but he wasn't THAT crazy!

"Man think about it!" Snoop got up and put his hand on my shoulder, we both started watching Suge again. "When Eazy was on his death bed, Suge was chillin'. Now he healthy, and Suge jus' start trippin' outta nowhere. And that shit with the contracts, Eazy was bein' stubborn as fuck. That shit made Suge mad, and you know that nigga ain't just sit back and let the shit happen! That niggas crazy."

I was too shook up to even agree, or disagree. I couldn't muster up the strength to even form words. It was a hard pill to swallow, but Snoop could have been right.

"What's that shit they say, " Snoop pondered, "What's done in the dark comes out in the light. "

I questioned, "So how did E get AIDs? I mean, you know he was one to sleep around."

"Man fuck I don't know! Suge coulda sent one of his hoes out. This shit just don't add up though! E been sleepin' around like this for the longest, why he just now gettin' sick?"

Snoop sort of had a point, I've known Eric since '85. A good ten years, and even before that he was always in some pussy. Why is he just now facing the consquences several years along the line?

His doctor told us that no one just has AIDs. It stems from HIV. It could take months or years before HIV turns into AIDS. Eazy got AIDS in a matter weeks. That didn't add up, and I'm surprised the hospital didn't make note of it.

- - -
"You should have your release papers tomorrow," I told Eric as I watched him take his own shot. I told him several times to let me give him his shot but he insisted that he knew how to do it after dealing with it everyday. Hardheaded as fuck.

"I'm gettin' out of here?" He flashed a smile and his eyes twinkled like a kid in a candy store.

"Yeah," I returned the smile, grateful to see how happy he was.

"I'm so sick of this shit man, nasty ass hospital food. Shit tastes like they season it with water. I just wanna go home." Eric pinched the bridge of his nose, chuckling a bit.

"I've never had it, so," I shrugged, "I only eat real food," I said in a snooty voice.

"If that's the case, you should prove it to me."


"You said you liked real food, how bout I take you out for some real food?"

"I don't know if my man would really like that."

NEW STORY ALERT!! ..well, sorta. I have 2 chapters of an unpublished story and I'm having trouble finding some characters. I was thinking of Tupac again but idk. I even thought of people from today like Frank Ocean or something, I need suggestions guys!!

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