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Her piercing screams burned my ear drums, "You have a child on the way, Andre!" Nicole was bugging like crazy ever since I got out of the hospital. She told me that I needed to slow down, and seclude myself from the guys for some days. But shit was too deep to just press pause, I couldn't just fall back outta nowhere. Ren and them would look at me crazy.

"I know that, trust me I know that. Quit stressin', by the time our baby comes this shit will be over with." Even at 26 I wasn't ready to be no father. I kicked it with Nicole's son everytime he came over, but his punk-ass father had custody of him. So he came over only on occasion. Nicole was already hurt from that, she yearned for another child so bad, she stressed me out about it. My highschool girlfriend Lavetta had a baby by me back in 88. When our first album came out, I was too busy to even help her take care of it, so she left. I haven't seen my daughter since. And if Nicole knew that, I don't know how she'd feel. That shit killed me - keeping shit from my wife that could come back to bite me in the ass later on.

I was now convinced that Nicole was slowly losing hope in me. When we first met, it was chill as fuck. She was, and still is, a good girl. She wasn't used to niggas like me, so it took her a while. But I got her now, and the last thing I'd want to do is lose her. Nicole held me down like no other woman could, I don't know where I'd end up without her. I wasn't the most perfect nigga alive, but she saw past that. That's exactly why I needed her, I needed her to keep me stable. Fuck all that getting hoes and bitches shit, that was dead as fuck. When you find that one person who you can vibe with completely, hold on to that shit, straight up.

"I just don't want my child fatherless, Dre! You know how much I shake and cry at night, out of fear that I'll lose you because of some shit Suge did?! I don't want him anywhere near my family!" Nicole choked on her tears, slamming her fist on the granite counter. Slowly approaching her, I took her in my arms, not saying a word. I caressed her arm. Fuck, I had to admit I was at a loss for words. Never in my life I thought there'd be some nigga controlling the minds of people around me. We had to get rid of Suge, if I had to kill the nigga then so be it. It's one thing to fuck with my niggas, but having my wife tremble in my arms was the breaking point.

After consoling Nicole, she suggested that we needed another break. But I wasn't down with that, our first break had me about to lose my mind. It was only for about a week, but damn. It felt like a big piece of me was missing. And I hated to admit it, but until this shit cleared out, I think a break was an ideal temporary solution. 

Watching her pack her bags with neutralism, my idea of her leaving me for good became more prominent. She was getting tired of my shit.

No sooner after she left, I wasted no time in heading to Kuneka's house. We had to let E know what's up, so we all can create a plan to end all of this bullshit. It was so much fucking secrecy within our circle, I fucking hated it. And we all preach about being real, when none of us, including myself, were being fucking real! And to make matters worse, Suge got niggas watching me and shit. Aftermath records not gone be shit if I can't start it!

Just as soon as I pulled up in front of Kuneka's house, my phone started ringing. Flipping it open, I subconsciously greeted with aggression, "Hello?" My voice dry and harsh. "Yo, this Dre?"

"Who the fuck is askin'?"

"Don't get buck. Deathrow records muthafucka'." And the call was ended, nothing but static could be heard. 

Slaming my phone shut, I threw it to the passenger seat, shouting out, "Fuck, man!" I exited the car, storming to Kuneka's door. Knocking on it ever so brutally, my man's  D.O.C opened the door, confused as ever. "Yo, Dre, you good?" 

"Nah man, where is Kuneka?"I brushed past him, looking around.

"We all talkin' in the living room, man. Chill, bro." D.O.C frowned as I frantically searched. I then quickly made my way to the living room, finding Kuneka, Khadijah, and Ren. My blood boiled, and vexation ran through my soul. 

"Hey, Dre, we were just talk -" Kuneka spoke in a polite tone but was abruptly cut off as I picked her up, slamming her against the wall. "What the fuck?" Her voice became weak, and she looked traumatized.

"My fuckin' wife left me, man. And I don't know how long it is before she leave me for good. I'm on thin ice with E, if we have another argument then I don't know what. It's so much fuckin' secrecy! I'm fuckin' sick of it! I gotta watch my back, Kuneka! I got niggas callin' my phone! I want all this shit to be fuckin' over!" My grip tightened as I angrily ranted. Just staring at her with anger, she said my name faintly, looking at me as if I was some sort of monster. I let her go, and she fell to the floor, but instantly got back up.

Sitting down on the couch, I held my head in my hands, "I'm so sorry." What the fuck was I thinking about? None of this was Kuneka's fault, who was I to take all my anger out on her? As my adrenaline dissolved, the more I felt like shit. She did nothing wrong. "Kuneka I'm so sorry, I swear to God I am."

"I'm trying, Dre. I really - I really am, but I can't just up and tell Eric right off the bat. How would he react? You know him way better than I do." She simply leaned against the wall, staring at the floor. It became quiet, as Khadijah, Ren, and D.O.C just stared from me to her.

She was right, Eazy was short tempered. And Suge was his number one enemy. But either way it went, we had to tell him. "It's time."

Kuneka just stared at me in disbelief, then swallowed spit, and nodded. She went upstairs, and Khadijah followed behind her. Leaving me, D.O.C and Ren. 

"Yo, Ren, call up Cube, tell him get Yella and head over to Eazy's house. This shit's done."


yo, i hate bandwagons. :/ people watch SoC and become a 'fan' outta nowhere. thats exactly how its gone be when the tupac movie come out in september. but anyway, D.O.C is gonna be considered a main character now. i found his album in my collection & forgot how good it was, and i noticed that in all the fanfics i read ... hes not in any single one of them!! i put him in here because why not lol.

enjoy =)

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