Author's Note

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Hey y'all! :) Thank you sooo much for 2.5k+ reads it means so much. This piece in particular I had began to feel insecure about and you guys' feedback has helped radically. You guys' comments make my day. I wanted to shoutout ToniJones232 because her comments in particular put a smile on my face, lol.

I know some of you are probably freaking out, seeing as this book has come to a close. If you haven't noticed yet, I have another book out titled, "Get God on the Phone." Featuring Tupac and many other legends!! It will be updated within a short span of time, and will be regularly updated from there. Feedback would be nice as well! Every single read, comment, and vote motivates me to keep writing so I'd never leave you all hanging ❤.

Feel free to leave your feedback on Any Last Werdz and your final thoughts about it. I've really enjoyed writing this book, it's been so great.

Thank you all. ❤

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