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"But why would he even think to do somethin' like that? We was close, but I ain't think we was that close," I said to Khadijah whom sat between my legs while I braided her hair. Today was our day off, well, sort of. I still had other things to do, but that was later. The two of us sat in my living room, stuffing our mouths with pineapple chunks while A Different World endlessly played on the tv. I told her about how Eric tried to pull a move on me, or whatever he tried to do. The question rang in my ears countess times since then. Had I never mentioned that I had a boyfriend? Then again, it wasn't any of his business.

Khadijah laughed with cheeks full of pineapple then said, "Maybe he was feelin' you Kuneka!" She could be so irritating at times, and never was one to take things serious; especially if the problem didn't apply to her. She wasn't selfish, she just wasn't one you'd want to vent to.

I angrily punched her in the arm, "That shit's not funny! Caine would go crazy." Yanking one of her braids, I laughed as she winced and held her head in pain. We've known eachother for so long, our friendship solely consists of impoliteness.

"Maybe he was tryin' to be friendly. He probably didnt want to be intrusive." Khadijah still held her head in pain, shaking her head in pain.

"Yeah, well, its gon' be awkward as fuck now. I still gotta go to his house everyday, you know they assigned me to be his nurse. I gotta be there at 2:30." As bad as this situation could have gotten, I still had to see Eric as if we were still in the hospital. I knew the problem would've been addressed right then and there, but I couldn't shy away from it.

Which reminded me, it was going on 2, so I should've been getting ready. As much as I dreaded it, it was my job. It wasn't Eric himself, but the fact that he made things awkward between us made my throat swell.

"His test scores came back, he's cured," Khadijah said nonchalantly, like it wasn't a big deal. My train of thought immediately took a turn, did I hear her correctly?

I was shocked, angry and ecstatic, "Why didn't you say nothing?!!" I shrieked.

I hopped off the couch, leaving Khadijah with an unfinished fishtail braid down her back. Pacing back and forth, I couldn't help but breathlessly mumble 'Oh my god', several amounts of times. This was amazing.

"I thought you knew." Khadijah got up, raising her eyebrows.

"No!" I took her by the shoulders with a grin, bouncing up down. "We cured an adult! Not only can we cure children, but we cured an adult!" I shook her, laughing hysterically. My cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much.

Khadijah grinned too, finally realizing our success in it's entirety. She shouted, "We cured Eazy E!" She was oh so right, we didn't just cure anyone. It was Eazy motherfuckin' E!

"We need his results, we need 'em now! Do you have them, where are they, Khadijah we need the papers!" I rambled on before shoving my feet into my shoes, shaking with happiness. "We gotta go to the hospital!"

I ran out to my car, Khadijah following behind me not caring about the now unraveling braid in her hair. "They're in the lab still!" She informed me as she climbed in the passenger seat.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, scurrying through the halls sure killed alot of time. Going on 2:30, we didn't have time to tell our colleagues what was the nature of our exhilaration.

It wasn't in my intentions to have Khadijah come to Eric's house with me, but it just unfolded that way. When his maid opened the door for us, we had a 5 minute delay prior to letting us in. She had to check with Eric if it were safe to let us inside. We were finally greeted with her magenta colored smile and large brown eyes, following her through several levels and rooms before reaching Eric's bedroom.

Khadijah was nothing more but an embarrassment, running and looking at everything in sight, putting her hands on everything she laid her eyes on. I had to call her name several times as if she was a bad ass kid.

We found Eric sitting on the floor propped against his bed, the light from his large tv illuminated against him as he played some video game on his Nintendo 64. He sported a crisp white tshirt and red basketball shorts with his curly hair in an afro.

I knocked on his door, quietly stepping inside. "Hey," I gave a small smile, turning my head to make sure Khadijah was still beind me.

Eric's eyes darted towards me, and he flashed his pearly whites, "I forgot you were comin'."

The atmosphere was awkward, just like I thought it'd be. Khadijah had disappeared, so there wasn't a way to break the ice.

"I got good news," I grinned prior to asking, "Can I sit down?"

Eric replied, "Make yourself at home, you know I ain't trippin'." His charisma made me feel so much more comfortable, and I felt like I could be myself now.

"You're not sick anymore, you're cured Eric!" I got excited all over again. I was the first doctor to ever cure AIDS, it was a massive accomplishment. And Eric's reaction warmed my heart.

"Quit bullshittin'. You deadass?" He got up from the floor, not even pausing his game. He had such childlike manners.

I nodded, standing up from the bed. "You're healthy!" I handed him his result papers, and his current health status was highlighted: Not ill.

"Fuck," he held his face in his hands, "This shit for fuckin' real." Eric was overjoyed.

I had to rain on his parade, "But, in order to maintain your health, we still have to give you shots everyday."

Eric shrugged, "I don't give a shit, as long as I'm cured. I'm happy." He took me in a bear hug and spun me around, the both of us dying with laughter.

Eric then sat me on his bed, and said "About that shit the other day, man I don't know what I was thinking. I ain't wanna pry, I just wanted I thank you. Thank you for everything, y'know. I'm grateful for what you've done." The inevitable subject hit me softer than I expected. I felt so much better after he said that, like I could breathe. The awkwardness had vanished.

"It was no problem, I'm glad I could help," I smiled before giving him another hug. Burying my face in his shoulder, he smelled like fruit and expensive cologne, an ethereal mix. He rubbed his hands up and down my back, giving off a feel of comfort. Khadijah called my name, interrupting our friendly moment.

I dug in my bag, and gave Eric his syringes that were enclosed in paper. "Here's your medicine, I gotta get back to the hospital."

"Catch you tomorrow, Kuneka. "

happy chapter yaay. & yes Kuneka's boyfriend is Caine from Menace II Society lol. ive always thought he was fine.

& in regards to my new story, I was leaning towards tupac as a main character but im still not sure. I need 2 guys and all im used to is writing for eazy and tupac. As much as I love them I'd like to try smth new lol.

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