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When you've witnessed 2/5th's of NWA in hospital beds, you didn't know what life would toss at you next. Considering what Dre was doing prior to his departure, you could guess what was to happen next. Suge and his henchman jumped him, but not jumped like; a few cuts and scratches. Like, jumped jumped. Swollen jaw, black eyes, gashes in your arms: jumped.  We knew Suge was capable of harming Dre, but we didn't think he'd come like this. I only wished that there was a way around this, without any more harm being done. In the end, Dre was alright. All minor injuries, no worries at all. It was just the principle of the matter. He was speaking, but only somewhat comprehensible. Dre was doped up on hella painkillers.

"I don't under-fuckin'-stand this, what the fuck was Suge thinkin' 'bout?" Ren tapped his foot frantically and angrily. We were all more than grateful Dre was alive and breathing, but that didn't change the fact that Suge hurt him. Only after knowing them personally for about half of a year, I've grown to care for them as if they were all close friends I've known for ages. My heart broke in two when I heard the news. But I've never seen Ren this upset: he was just tired of everything in it's entirety. 

"Chill out, man." Dre said. It sounded as if he had cotton in his throat, resulting from his swollen jaw."I can't believe I let that nigga do that to me. Fuck - it's nobody fault but mine."

"Don't say that shit, that nigga's crazy. It's his damn fault you in this hospital bed." Cube blurted out, breaking his gaze from the window, looking at the late night scenery. 

"Why'd this shit happen?" Eric said so angrily, that it came out calm. He had so much hatred for Suge, everyone knew that. But it was so much deeper than one would think, and that's what we needed to find out. But after he asked that question, literally everyone became silent. Ironically; the 4 of them all knew, except for Eric. From Dre, Yella, Cube, and Ren, they each knew about Suge injecting Eric, and how Dre pursued answers upfront. We each hated keeping this from him, but we knew he'd go bezerk.

Dre began to speak, "I told him I was leavin' Death Row." Thank goodness for Dre, he told the partial truth. Not only did Dre confront Suge, but he informed him of his resignation. To Eric, this would've added up perfectly.

"You leavin' Deathrow? I'm glad for you man, but damn, Suge is a bitch ass nigga." Eric said before mumbling a, "Fuck." 

"Don't trip on that nigga, man. I got my own shit; Aftermath records." Dre said drowsily.

But Eric was heated, the abhorrence he had for Suge was piling up. It's like he had something to say, but didn't wan't to say it. "As much as I want to be happy for you Dre, I can't. I just fuckin' can't believe this nigga, fuck! I shoulda killed this nigga when I had the chance!" His words dripping with vexation, negative vibes filled the room prior to Eric punching the wall and storming out.

I would've went after him, but I was embarrassed from what I did just 2 hours ago. I didn't even know what I was thinking, or if I was thinking at all. The fact that infidelity had now invaded Caine and I's relationship tugged at my heart strings. He was a great man, there was just so much distance within our love, I needed something right then and there. Even though it was just a kiss, I felt as if I betrayed Caine. I knew he loved me, but Eric makes me feel so appreciated, and I can't help but get warm, sensual vibes from him. But at the end of the day, I don't think I like him, I love the way he makes me feel mentally. 

This entire night was a mess. If Eric behaved like this only after finding out what happened tonight, how would he react when we told him the full truth? What would be his first response when he finds out Suge injected him with intentions of him dying? This made sense to Suge's violence, first, Eric is still alive, Dre is leaving, and he's starting his own record company too. To Suge, his whole world was falling apart. And at this point, he'd do anything to sabotage each and every one of the members of NWA. And now I realized, this was only the beginning.

Yella went after him, and the room became quiet again. "We gotta say somethin', Dre. How you know Suge ain't gone come and start more shit than he already has?"Ren said, shaking his head slowly.

Dre just stayed quiet. You could tell he was under alot of stress. 

"Shit's crazy, un-fuckin'-real." Cube sat down, burying his face in his hands.

I simply just got up and walked out of the room, wanting to get away from the negative feelings in the room. I caught Yella walking towards me, and I asked, "What happened?" He just shook his head, and flailed his arms in stress. Yella almost never spoke, we always called him the mute, but we'd always understand what he meant. 

Eric must've went somewhere outside, so I went on a hunch in the parking lot, locating his off white Chevy Impala after a few minutes. This time, he had his ceiling up, I was searching for the normal drop top car. I approached the passenger side, and tried to look through the tinted window, which was no luck because I couldn't see anything. Opening the door, the musty aroma of weed and smoke was all that hit me. "Eric," I frowned before climbing inside.

"Close the damn door! You lettin' the smoke out!" Eric sternly exclaimed.

I left it open, "Naw, you can barely breath in here, Eric." I rolled my eyes before sighing heavily.

"Close it, I'll roll the window down, damn," Eric said prior to taking a puff. I pulled the door shut, and he let the window down halfway. 

It became quiet as Eric finished the blunt ever so passionately, as if he were in deep thought about something. "You ok?" I glanced over at him then turning to the trees and bushes that sat in front of us. He didn't say anything, but I felt his eyes glued to me.

 After a few seconds, he admitted, "Ion'know. I thought bein' in that hospital bed was the worst shit of my life, but now, shit, I wanna go back. Less stressful than this shit today." He said with a raspy voice. 

"Don't say that. You were half dead in that hospital."

"Well I wanna be fully dead now."

Hearing that kind of broke my heart. Never in my life I thought I'd hear Eric speak like that. He was never the happiest person alive, but I didn't think he'd wish himself dead.


boring chapter ik ik. sorry for the wait, im on spring break now so expect a few updates from me in the next week or so! and lmao, everytime i wanna write, i cant cuz of my long ass nails lmao. getting them chopped tomorrow so i can use my phone like a normal person.

also, as of march 26th, its been 21 years since Eric Lynn Wright passed away. may he rest in the gangsta's paradise.

hope yall enjoy! :*

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