Chapter X ~ A Chance Encounter

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After the meeting, Elise hurried out of the Café Musain with Enjolras by her side. Considering the fact that he had to help prepare for the revolution, he had just enough time to escort her home. They wove through the narrow streets of France in the same quarter hour it always took to get from the Café to her house.

Eventually, they reached her home; because it was dark, Enjolras took her closer to her home than usual. This time they were on the rue just in front of the home. He didn't want to risk anything happening to his bride-to-be.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Elise. I have to go back to the Musain and help the boys prepare." Enjolras murmured.

"Already?" breathed Elise. "I can't believe that it's time. It's almost too good to be true."

"Yes, but it is real. I'll see you tomorrow," Enjolras said as he held Elise's hands tenderly. "Good night, mon amour." Elise smiled, tiptoeing and planting a gentle kiss on Enjolras' forehead. "Goodb-"

The couple heard a door open and they both turned towards Elise's front door. Elise paled, a deathly pallor on her face as she realized what had happened.

Inspector Javert stood facing them, his inspector's hat upon his head meaning he was about to leave for duty. There was a shadow of an aghast expression on his face, which transformed into a cold and formidable gaze. Enjolras' eyes widened. He had no idea that the feared inspector was Elise's father. Then it all made sence. That was why she didn't want him to visit her. That was why she spent so much time with him and the Friends. She had to stand living with a royalist. He wondered why Elise would stay with Javert. Enjolras was told of her mother and Meg, and he concluded that it was because Javert, the terribly righteous inspector, was the only family the girl had left.

Elise took a step towards her father. "Papa, I can-"

"No." frowned Javert, stopping her with a single sign of his hand. "Elise, I thought that young man looked familiar. It came back to me when that mess of a riot in Saint Michele occured. I could have sworn I saw him with a familiar-looking girl. At the moment, I thought nothing of it because there was no being sure that it was you among the blur of the crowd. However, now I am sure. You and this... boy are.... revolutionists," he spat out the last word distastefully as if she were a disgrace to the Javert family.

"Fath-" Elise cried.

"Did I not pay for your education? Did I not make sure you stayed with a kind woman when I was unable to care for you? All I asked for you in return was for you to be righteous and respect the law and the king. And what did I recieve in return? This." Javert motioned solemnly to her and Enjolras.

"Pa-" Elise sobbed. She was finally being chastised for what she felt was right.

"Do not speak, Elise. If I were anywhere in my right mind, I'd arrest you right now and here." Javert scowled, turning to Enjolras, who was witnessing all this. "And you, pretty boy. I don't want you anywhere near my daughter."

"Inspector, she's one of the most passionate peole about the rebellion. You can't just take that away from her. I wouldn't permit it!" he scowled, stepping between Javert and Elise protectively.

"She's a royalist! I will not have her following the silly ideas you've planted in her mind!" Javert hissed. "You'll see. If you and your silly friends ever stage a rebellion, you'll all fall. Give up now when you have the chance."

Elise was speechless. She had no idea how to stand up to her father, and she had to do something to help Enjolras.

"We'll never give up. We never shall yield until the day we can say we are free at last." Enjolras proclaimed.

"Leave my daughter be, you spoiled little rich boy, before I arrest you. What are you to her anyways? Just accomplices in crime." Javert drawled.

"Quite right," Enjolras said, fuming. "She's only my fiancee."

Javert paled for a fraction of a second. He quickly recovered, a deathly glare upon the two rebels. "Get off of my property and don't come back, you ungrateful bitch." he snarled.

Elise gasped as a tear fell down her cheek. It was the first time she had heard her father use such language to her. She realized that what he said was final. She lost the only family she had left, and there was a pain she couldn't stand about it. Elise ran away to where she was out of sight on the rue she had once lived on.

Enjolras, who was extremely angry at Javert, looked gravely off to where Elise ran and faced Javert, passionately exclaiming, "Vive le Republique!" as he spat on the inspector's poished shoes. Enjolras turned on his heel and followed behind Elise, leaving the inspector fuming on the rue in front of his home.

Tears burned Elise's eyes as she made her way through the streets quickly and blindly. She finally collapsed on the floor with her head down as she tried to keep more tears from falling. She knew this would happen at some point... just not so soon. She felt someone kneel down next to her and place a tender hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, mon amour, you can stay with me." Enjolras said softly, knowing that it was not okay at all. It was at times like these that you forgot that he was indeed a charming young man capable of being terrible. At times like these, you saw only the gentleness he had in himself.

Elise looked up, looking at the blurred Enjolras that was behing her tears. However, a familiar sign caught her attention. She had indeed fallen outside of the place she held so dear to her heart. The Paris Opera House. "This was where Meg..." whispered Elise. She threw herself against Enjolras' chest, her shoulders heaving with sobs as tears streamed down her face.

Enjolras silently stroked her dark hair comfortingly. She'd told him all about the Opera House. "Elise," he murmured, bringing her closer. "Come home with me. You can't just stay out here crying all night long."

Elise was unable to speak because she was sobbing so heavily, so she just nodded quickly, trying to wipe her tears from her face. Enjolras produced a handkerchief from his waistcoat pocket and handed it to her. "Let's go," he whispered, putting his arm around her waist and walking with her to his home. Their home.

(( Oh god. This chapter was so much fun to write. I couldn't help listening to The Confrontation during the Enjolras/Javert argument. Oh well, this is another relatively short chapter that I wrote to kind of finish what happened in the last chapter. I am going to upload a picture of Jenna Louise Coleman, who is the precious angel-faced woman I based Elise off of. Precious.

ANYWAYS, Au revoir and I'll see ya soon! ))

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