Chapter XXI ~ Francis

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The boy smiled up to his mother, his warm eyes seemingly glowing in the dusk's light. They were in the backyard of the Rousseau home. "Maman?"

"Yes?" Elise said.

"What was papa like?"

Elise froze. Francis had never asked things like that before today. She blinked slowly, deciding that she would tell him. "Your papa was... a charming young man capable of being terrible, like a beautiful flame within. He was firm and cold like ice. And... he was wonderful. He always wanted to do the right thing. For everyone. When I was with him, I knew I found a home for my heart. I loved him so much. And you. Francis Rousseau, you look exactly like him," Elise finished, wiping a tear from her eye.

Francis nodded. "If he was so good, why'd he have to leave?"

Elise's sorrowful eyes gazed into the distance. "There was a rebellion. My friends fought the National Guard for the sake of the people. And they lost. We lost. Everyone lost. They're all gone now because of it. Your papa. My friends. Even the sky." she sighed reminiscently. "Your papa and I would look up into the sky every once in a while in silence, with just each other. We looked up at the beautiful stars. But now the stars seemed to have lost their sparkle..." A tear trickled down her face.

Francis looked up to his mother, sensing that she was very sad. He raised his arms up, and Elise lifted him up. "Maman," Francis whispered sweetly. "Don't cry. Papa might come back soon."

Elise attempted a sorrowful smile. "Oui?"

"Definitely." Francis nodded. "Then finally I can play outside in the garden with my papa and we can all sit by the fire together with Grandmama just like in stories. And I can finally see you be happy like you said you were before."

Elise smiled faintly, pulling the boy inside, for it was getting darker.

As Elise was about to fall asleep, she heard some faint footsteps.

"Maman," she heard her son whisper timidly. He was in the doorway holding a blanket. "Can I sleep in your bed? I can't sleep in mine today."

Elise nodded, "Sure."

And Francis walked softly nearer, hoisted himself onto the bed and snuggled close to him mother. "Nighty-night, Maman."

"Goodnight, Francis," whispered Elise, turning and holding his son lovingly and almost protectively.

(( Yay, another short chapter. I'm almost done with the story though. ))

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