Chapter XVII ~ Little People Know When Little People Fight

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Elise glanced down onto the little boy that slept in her lap. Dawn was beginning to break. Elise smiled sweetly at the boy and gave him a kiss on the forehead before gently prodding him and encouraging him to wake up. The students were up and getting ready by then.

Gavroche grinned. "Thanks for wakin' me. I got a lot a' work to do." 

"Anytime, Gav," giggled Elise. She smiled after the little boy rushed off to help the men. If something were to happen to him...

Enjolras had been on a reconnaissance in the early morning and now entered through the makeshift gate.

 No one stirred, but a single shutter opened a crack - a face peeped through - and it closed again. Elise, who was standing up from her little spot with Gavroche, suddenly felt nauseated. She grimaced, sitting back down. How could those citizens be so cowardly as to not help the poor students?

"The people have not stirred." muttered Enjolras.

Courfeyrac frowned, "Yet we will not abandon those who still live in fear.'

"The people have not heard, yet we will not abandon those who cannot hear. Let us not waste lives! Let all who wish to go from here!" finished Enjolras.

There was silence. Uncertainty. Yet no one moved to go.

"Do you hear the people sing?" piped a high voice from the barricade. It was Gavroche. "Singing the song of angry men."

The students joined in, "It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!"

Feuilly reported, "Enjolras! Ammunition's short."

"I will go into the streets," offred Marius. There are bodies all around. Ammunition to be had. Lots of bullets to be found."

Enjolras shook his head. "I can't let you go."

"Let me go!" spoke up Valjean. "He's no more than a boy. I am old. I have nothing to fear."

However, Gavroche was already climbing the barricade under cover of the smoke. "I volunteer!," he exclaimed cheerily.

Courfeyrac gasped, "Come back, Gavroche! Don't you dare!"

"Someone pull him down right now!" Joly ordered.

"Look at me, I'm almost there!" yelled the little boy. Elise was clenching her fist so tightly that her knuckled turned white. Her heart was nervously hammering in her chest. "Gavroche, get back here!"

"Little people know when little people fight. We may look easy pickings, but we've got some bite!" sang Gavroche in the little tune he always sang when roaming the Parisian streets. "So never kick a dog when he's just a pup. We'll fight like twenty armies And we won't give up!"

The rays of the rising sun broke through, lighting up Gavroche as if he were a holy little angel.

"So you'd better run for cover when the pup grows--"

The little boy never got to finish the verse. Gavroche fells facedown onto the barricade, a musket shot ringing in the air.

"No!!" shouted Courfeyrac. He ran up the barricade, seized Gavroche's limp body in his arms, convulsed with grief, and brought it back through the gate in the barricade. When Courfeyrac passed to the other side, Elise rushed up to Courfeyrac, grabbing both him and Gavroche in a hug as they both sobbed for the little boy who was in their arms. Elise soon felt a tender hand on her shoulder. She turned, seeing that it was Enjolras. He seemed to have a certain look on his face that supported her, making her bend closer to the boy and gently place a last kiss on his cheek before turning away, sobbing in Enjolras' arms. Enjolras escorted Elise back into the Cafe before leaving to join the last of the students on the barricade. It broke his heart having to see her is such distress.

An army officer was lining up the big guns carefully. The students were very easily outnumbered.

You at the barricades listen to this!" shouted the officer."The people of Paris sleep in their beds! You have no chance, no chance at all! Why throw your lives away?

Enjolras gazed on his pitifully small group. "Let us die facing our foes! Make them bleed while we can!"

Combeferre scowled, "Make 'em pay through the nose!"

"Make 'em pay for every man!" cried Courfeyrac at the thought of Gavroche's death.

Enjolras stood confidently. "Let others rise to take our place until the earth is free!"

(( Oh no. So near to the end. Poor Eponine. Poor Gavroche. Poor everyone who's going to die. Anyways I'm uploading a picture of the beautiful Jenna Louise Coleman who is the person I physically based Elise off of. Some of you may recognize her as Clara Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who! ))

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