Half a Heart | Carl

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(A/N- Takes place in Alexandria and sorta based off of episode 6x10)

I was wakened by the sun's rays. They immediately blinded me. My hand reached for Carl's pillow beside me to cover my burning eyes.

I laid in my bed with nothing on my mind. I just kept my face buried in his pillow, absorbing the softness and the scent.

Eventually, I got enough energy to sit myself up. I looked to my right, noticing Carl was gone again. I knew he wouldn't be by my side, but I just couldn't accept the fact. I sighed to myself. Things weren't the best right now between him and I.

I flopped out of bed to get ready. Enid and I were going to go over the walls today. We didn't really do any supply runs together, just usually talk about our lives in general. My group was a bit uncomfortable with me going over the walls, but I would still do it anyways.

I threw on jeans with my old white tee. Then, I grabbed my necklace and clipped it around my neck. I had it since the start, and so did my best friend. She had one half and I had the other half of the heart. She probably didn't have it right now, but that really didn't bother me. I took another glance into the mirror before I slipped into my old, browncombat boots.

I went down the stairs into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I looked in the fruit bowl and saw a red apple. I grabbed it and chopped it down pretty quickly.

I made sure I had my gun, knife, and backpack before heading out of my house to make my way towards the wall.

Once I started walking, I immediately noticed Enid wasn't there.

Maybe she already went over?

I shrugged it off. I slid down the wall, keeping an eye out for her.

Minutes passed and finally gave up. I got myself up from the ground. I made the decision to just go over by myself. I was a bit hesitant about it, but I changed my mind.

I adjusted my backpack straps before grabbing my knife to help me climb the wall that separates us from the dead. Once I was at the top, I took one last breath before swinging my legs over the wooden wall.

I slowly, climbed down the other side of the wall until I was close enough to to the ground. I slid my fingers off of the wall and jumped off.

Quickly, I kept my hand over the handle of my knife. I know it can only take a second, just one second. For everything to change.

I started off walking slow, but eventually caught up the pace. I went deeper and deeper into the forest.

"Enid?" I whispered. No reply.

"Enid? Are you here?" Again, no reply.

"Enid where are you?!" I said a bit too loud.

I could hear footsteps close by. I turned in every direction, but there was... nothing.

I could tell the figure was getting closer to me. Quickly, I make my way over to a tree stump to crouch behind. I waited in silence until I finally saw a figure.

The moans coming from a walker made me peek from my spot. I could tell it was heading towards Alexandria. I had to at least do something with it. I didn't want it sneak up on anyone who came out here.

I grabbed my knife from my belt. My hand naturally kept a strong grasp on it. Then, I slowly stood myself up.

"Hey! Hey, over here!" I said.

The walker noticed I got it's attention. It turned around, showing its face to me.

She had bloody knots in her hair. The light was swallowed by the darkness that was now in her eyes. Her teeth were full of flesh. My eyes scanned her body until I saw it.

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