But You Stayed | Chandler

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Warning- Imagine may hit you in the feels! 😂 this is really short but I wanted to post this



Remember the day I first met you? I was last in line for a photo op. One of the staff  members told me that you were leaving already. I knew that could've been that last time I'd would see you.

But you stayed.

Remember when I kept blushing? And I looked liken a complete ball of awkwardness? I thought you would've left me, for the fact that you didn't like me.

But you stayed

Remember the same day, you found me outside, in the pouring rain? And I was alone. You sneaked up behind me as you put an umbrella over both of our heads. I told you I would be fine walking home after the convention.

But you stayed.

Remember next day, you immediately direct messaged me on Instagram, just to talk? I told you that you didn't have to talk to a sore loser that was lost like me.

But you stayed.

Remember Through out two months, I told you that you should just leave me? You wouldn't have to deal with my annoying rants, warm tears of joy and pain. I told you that you didn't have to keep watching over me constantly.

But you stayed.

Remember the day I was so nervous cause we were gonna finally meet again so we could hang out? I thought you'd stop talking to me forever and act like I was just another fish in the sea.

But you stayed.

Remember when my mom invited you over for dinner and she thought that we were dating? I thought you'd think it was the stupidest idea in the whole entire world. And then you would leave .

But you stayed.

Remember when all of your friends tried to get us together when we bumped into each other at the mall? I thought you'd run away in embarrassment and never say a word to me again.

But you stayed.

Remember when you first asked me out and I was happier than a child on Christmas morning? I thought you were joking and you and your friends would leave me right after.

But you stayed.

Remember when we would both receive hate all over social media because the fandom hates the fact that I was dating you? I thought you'd leave me just to stop it all.

But you stayed.

Remember the first time we had an argument? Both of us didn't know how to handle the pain from our words. I thought this would be the end of us. And you would just be gone in a blink of an eye.

But you stayed.

Remember when it was our one year anniversary at the carnival? You had gotten sick from all he food you ate. I told you that we could leave and do something better soon after.

But you stayed.

Remember when you invited me to The Walking Dead set for a day? All of them were teasing the two of us, especially you. I thought you just tell me to go back home and then leave.

But you stayed.

Remember when I had a planned surprise party at Sam's house for you? We all had a great time and I got you that new watch you wanted. You started getting tired and I told you we could shut it down.

But you stayed.

Remember the same day you told me you loved me? I was shocked and my heart skipped a beat at the word. I hugged you tightly, but I still thought it wasn't real and you'd leave to hang with your other friends instead.

But you stayed.

Remember when you were on your way home and you got in that car crash? You'd said you would always be with me no matter what. I thought you were fine in general because you always said you were.

But you didn't stay. And I wish you did...



God why do I write so many emotional crap?😂


I will be publishing a requested one by my bae aka MayGarner next time! 😉 And the two of saw the spoiler for season 7 ... So now we're both dead 😂! If you'd like to die in a hole with us, please say so, then we'll know how much food and fuzzy blankets are needed 😂😂😏!!!

I have a tag and rants book where I write all my feelings and opinions on things. I also do tags that people tag me in as well. So you should totally go rant with me, it's fun! 😉

I also have a Fanfiction called 'Insanity' which is somewhat on hold right now because I've been trying to update my other books atm. This fanfic is turning into nothing you've ever read before 😂!

I'll see you all in the next imagine!

Ily ! <33


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