Your Who?

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Emma's POV

"My name is Henry Mills and I'm your son," the man with dark hair said stepping forward. What? I thought to myself. I looked over at Henry. The Henry that had looked into the well. The Henry that I've been with all this time. He was leaning against a tree staring at the man with dark hair.

"That's impossible!" Regina said looking from Henry to the man. I stepped forward.

"If your Henry then tell us something only Henry would know," I said to the man. He grinned.

"Like with Peter Pan," He said. He looked over at Luke. "Let's see let's go with something different than last time I had to do this," He said thoughtfully. "When I found out that you lied to me about my Dad being dead I climbed out the window of Dad's apartment and climbed up the fire escape, you tried to talk to me about it, I refused and Dad came up and he talked to me, I guess you could say it was bonding," He said smiling but it seemed to be sad. Regina looked over at me to see if it was true. I nodded.

"How are you Henry when he's standing right over there?" I asked pointing at Henry leaning against the tree.

"That's because he's not Henry, he's not someone sent to hurt everyone, it's not even his fault that he's here, and from what I can tell he didn't even know he wasn't me," the real Henry said stepping forward and giving all of us hugs. The person we thought was Henry walked over to us and stopped in front of Henry.

"Hi," the real Henry said holding out his hand to the kid as if to shake his hand. The boy shook his hand and then hugged him.

"How did he do it?" the boy asked Henry.

"We don't know but it's what Luke and I have been trying to figure out for a long time," Henry said.

"How old are you?" David asked Henry a look of concern in his eye. Henry sighed.

"Let's see I was fifteen when I was pushed into the other dimension, Luke how many years did you estimate we were there?" Henry asked Luke who had walked up and stood next to Henry.

"Around 7 give or take a few weeks," Luke said.

"Your 22?" I said. Henry nodded.

"We should get going Rumple probably already sensed the change in balanced magic here in Storybrook, we should get going before anyone gets hurt," Henry said looking at the boy. The boy nodded. Henry and Luke started walking towards the cars.

"Wait a minute, aren't you guys going to explain what the heck is going on?" Regina yelled.

"We'll explain along the way," Henry said opening up the bug door.

"At least tell us who this is," David said looking at the boy we had thought was Henry. The real Henry looked at us from the car door.

"He's my Dad," he said with a smile closing the door. We all looked at the boy that stood before us.

"Neal! but your dead! I watched you die!" I said in shock.

"I just found this out five minutes ago myself, I have no idea how this happened either!" He said turning towards the car. We all walked back to the cars.

"How?" David asked looking at Regina as if she had an answer to give him.

"No idea," she said.


Hey guys it's TheDreamingTurtle here. I hope you all enjoyed this part. Don't worry, for all of you confused the dark haired 22 year old that came out of the portal is Henry. The person you thought was Henry is actually Neal his Dad. More to come. Keep on dreaming my dreamers!


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