Maybe that's the point

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I woke up to find myself holding onto the picture of my parents.

I smiled and put it back in its place.

I was a mess, I spent the night crying so my face was all splotchy, and my hair was a mess.

I cleaned up and put on fresh clothes and headed out for a walk this time instead of a run.

Carrying my notebook, I left my loft and walked around in my neighborhood.

I pulled my hood over my hair and enjoyed the nice day out.

I ended up walking to the gardens just a couple blocks away from my building and went straight to the flowers.

and sat beside a tree the had a good view of them.

The tune that I had back at the store popped into my head again.

I wrote down some lyrics..

"I think I'll pace my apartment a few times

And fall asleep on the couch

And wake up early to black and white re-runs?

That escaped from the mouth"

I heard foot steps on the grass but I didn't have to look up to know whose they were.

"Hey Danny."

he sat down next to me

"Hey..look I am sorry about last night. I don't mean to be pushy and an ass about things its just that...its been years...years since you let anybody in ever since Nathan..."

he spoke the name I forever wanted to forget.

"And then your parents. Sweetie the wanted you to live."

"How would you know?"

"I-I...I just know they would have. So please Morgan get up and live."

I shook my head and put my notebook in my bag.

"I don't know how much it everything hurt. how everything took a piece of me I cant get back."

"I was there, I may have not been feeling it with you but I went through everything with you. So did Cordy. All the nights crying-..."

"Don't Danny don't do the guilt trip me please. I can't not today please don't."

He sighed.

" know deep down that I am right."

"I know..look I have to go before I am late for work."

"See you later them."

I got up and walked off with my arms crossed.

I guess I kept people out for reasons...after Nathan...I lost almost all belief in people.

Almost all.

I walked into the store to find Mr. Stevenson a bit shocked.

"Hey are on time."

"yeah I know. Anything need restocking?"

"Not really you can organize the Cd's for me and you can read after."


I walked off to music section and I didn't take long to organize everything.

and went to my corner and sat and pulled out something different today.

a graphic novel.

As I was reading the panel of Rorshach's narration a shadow appeared on my book.

I didn't look up.

"Do you need help?"

and an accented voice replied.

"So why can't you do breakfast with me?"

I didn't look up.

"Because I can't."

I shut my book and walked away.

"Hey wait Belinda wait!"

I walked off to the music corner and tried to hide but it was no use.


he stood in front of me

"Why do you keep running from me?"

"What do you want from me?"

"Sorry I just...I just. Look I never do this. I mean never do this, but I find you fascinating."

"You don't even know me."

"Maybe that's the point."

I stood there looking at him


I walked off to the front of the store.

"Mr. Stevenson is there anything else for me to do?"

"No Belinda I don't think there is. Why don't you take the rest of the day off? I will call you find I need anything okay?"

"Okay thanks."

I rushed out the door.

and some felt pull me back

"Hey can you for once-for once stop running from me?"

"Why do you keep chasing me?"

"Because I want to get to know you that's why."


"Please just come and get a cup of coffee with me...please?"


I started to walk away.

"I wont stop you know. I will keep coming here everyday and asking you until you say yes."

I kept going.

"I am not going anywhere Belinda Morgan. I swear I will make a scene."

i stopped.

"You can't you will get recognized"

"I don't care all I want is coffee. just a cup of coffee or tea if that's what you prefer."

I turned around.

"Just coffee?"

"That's all I am asking."

all I heard was Danny's voice saying to me 'they wanted you to live.'

over and over again.

"...fine...but nowhere in public...I am not good with people."

he smiled

"Come on then."

I followed him.

I am not sure why I am following him or where he is leading to.

I just hope he doesn't kill me.

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