I have never seen that much love between two people..

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I stood there waiting for some kind of reaction but he just sat there staring at me.
Looking at my face as if looking for an answer.
Alright he isn’t going to move an inch so might as well explain.
I took the blue butterfly ring that was on my ring finger and handed it to him.
He opened his palm and let me drop it in.
“Why am I holding your ring?”
“Look inside and read the inscription.”
He put the ring brought the ring closer and then read out loud.
“True love waits.”
He looked up at me and had a confused look on his face.
“I made a promise to my parents and myself. I won’t do that until I know I have found someone who is going to be with me, as silly as this sounds, forever.”
He chuckled a bit.
I stepped back a bit.
He saw that I did.
“Oh no Belinda it’s not what you think.”
“I was just thinking how in this crazy world did I find someone like you?”
He stood up and he gave me a hug.
“So you have no problem with the whole no sex?”
“Why would I have a problem with it? I don’t want to rush or push you into anything you do not want to do. I respect you too much to do that to you.”
At that moment….my heart melted a little.
He took my ring and slipped it back to its place.
“Who gave you that ring?”
“My mom did, it was hers.”
“So your mother?”
“Yeah My dad was her only and she didn’t regret waiting because she knew they were meant to be.”
I smiled at the memory of my parents. Anyone can see just by looking at them or spending 5 minutes with them they were truly soul mates.
“Yeah my mother was an amazing woman. And my dad oh he was just amazing as she was.”
I sat down on the floor.
“May I ask you something?”
“May I know….how it happened?”
That subject always hit a sore spot in my heart because it was all tied together…my parents passing was just the first part of it.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“Now its okay. It just makes it all come back for me…but I want you to know.”
He sat next to me on the floor.
“My parents loved me. They supported me in anything and my god did they love each other. I have never seen that much love between two people. Sure I had read about it but never really saw it until I looked at my parents. Some people without really knowing them saw it. I was proud to be a token to that love. And they loved me. One night my dad surprised my mom with tickets to go see one of favorite singers at the club in town, the club I perform in now. Oh I remember her getting ready she looked so beautiful in her dress and her hair in curls with a flower in her hair. She was my role model. They thought I was old enough to look after myself for a night so they went off and watch them hold hands and drive off. I was waiting up for them to get home and tell me how their night went so I stayed up writing some music and testing out some melodies on the piano. When there was a knock on the door. A police officer came to my door that night to tell me that an asshole of a drunk driver had one too many, ran a red light and hit my parents car. It went off the road and rolled over many times. The impact was on the drivers side. So my dad died first but my mother died on the way to the hopsital….”
I had my knees close to me and my eyes were getting watery.
He felt it and he pulled me close.
“I am so sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“I know but I just can’t imagine losing my parents. They are everything.”
“Yeah. I became an orphan at 17.”
He held me close and stroked my hair.
I looked at my ring and thought of my mom.
I will wait.
I know he will. I can just tell.
But only Dan and Cor know what my parents death did to me….and the other half of the story that caused me to go so numb for several years.
But I know he isn’t ready to know that yet…not now.

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