Holding it together

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My heart sank as I knew from that yell...it was something bad, I just didn't imagine it was going to be that bad.

I ran to Cordy who was hunched over holding her belly.

"Bee something is wrong. I have to-I have to get to the hospital."

"Dan we have to go, we can't wait for an ambulance. Pull up the car now!"

"Morgan what about everyone else and your house?"

"I don't care that can wait go get the car now!! Hold on Cordy we will get you to the hospital."

"Belinda. Ple-Please don't yell at him."

"Look right now all I am concerned about is getting you to the nearest doctor and making sure you and that baby are okay. Nothing else matters."

"Love what can I do?"

I had forgotten he was even still here.

"Stop calling me that, and I don't need your help."

"Bee pl-please le-le-let him. Oh god this hurts so much."

"Love please just let me help."

"FINE. Just please make sure that my house it locked up. There is a spare key under the flower pot by the door. We are going to be at Woodland memorial. Just drop it off when you can."

Dan pulled up with their car and we sped off to the hospital.

That was the first time I ever saw Dan drive like a maniac all the way to the hospital.

We pulled up to the emergency room entrance and I ran for it.

"Please! Please! My best friend is pregnant and she is in pain."



There were nurses already half way the hall with a gurney.

"Miss Miss please, we got it from here."

They all rushed to the car and loaded Cordy up and sped off to an examination room.

"I can't lose them. Morgan. I-I can't."

"You won't."

"How do you know?"

"We got here. We won't lose them.

We waited for what it seemed like forever.

Dan took a seat on the benches in the hallway.

I couldn't so I just leaned up against the wall reciting poems in my head.

Keeping it from thinking the worst.

Finally after a lifetime a doctor came out and updated us.


"Evans. How is my wife? Our baby?"

"Mr. Evans your wife is in recovery. The placenta started to separate from the baby and we had to perform an emergency c section. She lost quite a bit of blood but."

"Doctor please. Are they okay?"

"They are okay. Your wife is going to be in recovery for a bit and then moved to the postpartum floor and even though she was born early."


"Yes she, your daughter and healthy. We have her in the NICU just to make sure she everything is tiptop since she was born a month early."

"Thank you so much doctor. Can I see my wife?"

"Of course come with me."

Dan let out a sigh of relief and engulfed me in a hug.

"See they are okay. Your girls need you now. Go look after them."


"Go I will be okay."

I started to walk to the car when he turned that corner.

"What are you doing here?"

He came up to me, I almost forgot how smoothing his presence was.

"I had to check up on you and everyone else."

"How is Cordelia and the baby? Where is Daniel?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Not in front of him.

Not after all this.

I threw my arms over his neck and let it all out.

"Belinda what happened?!"

"I'm sorry. Just sorry they are okay everyone is okay. It was just a lot to process and I didn't want to break down in front of Dan. He needed some support and I couldn't break down."

He held me tight and kissed the top of my head.

"Come on lovely. I'll drive you home."

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