Courage and Control....

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We sat in my library just talking to each other about our projects.

His film and my music.

It was being able to share that passion I had for it and my new band of brothers with him.

He was surprised at what I had managed to do while he was away.

"He way be the most productive female I know."

"I like to keep keeps my head from going to unpleasant places."

he pulled me closer.

"I wish I could make it go away."

"Its something I have to do, you can't make it go away only I can."

"I know we all have something we have to face by ourselves.... I just wish I could help."

"I know."

We sat there listening to the voice that kept us company.

'Its time to let your hair down, and give yourself permission.

It takes courage and control and you start by letting go."

"How is New York?"

"Its nice but the fans cane be intense during filming."

"How intense?"

"Like they cause you to almost be run over by a cab intense."

"oh my gosh are you alright?"

"Yeah I am alive. Just had a really hard day."

I gripped his hand.

"Its okay I am okay."

"I just worry sometimes."

"Don't please."

"I cant help it sometimes."

"You will give yourself wrinkles."

I chuckled.

"now who told you that?"

"Some girl I met a while back."

"was she special?"



"She is a dream."

I smiled.

"You know something I have always wanted to visit New York."


"Yeah I want to fulfill a wish I have had ever since I was a small girl."

"Which is?"

"To be perform at Madison Square Garden."

"You are ambitious beautiful."

"Darn right I am ha ha."

'The city’s an analogy

for things building inside of me

There’s chaos in this discord,

but still we move along '

"I know you will get there."


this moment, this moment just makes me appreciate him more.

we can sit here and just be silent and let the voice sing and not really interrupt it.

We can sit here and just be so comfortable and just enjoy it.

But something unexpected interrupted our time.

his stomach growling.

"Whoa there."

"Well that never happens."

"I can hear. Dinner?"


"Let me just throw on some pants and a t shirt."


I went to my closest and just grabbed a pair a jeans and a random shirt and threw on some chucks. I felt like taking it easy now.

"come on."

we were walking and just amazed no one walked up to us.

I were near the diner and enjoying our day but he came again.

"Hello again lovely."

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Rob halted as well.

"Belinda is that?"


we turned around...and there he stood arrogant and with that fucking smirk on his face.

"Well well well this is the famous boyfriend, doesn't look like much to me."

I just stood there about to take charge but someone else took the reigns.

"I suggest you leave and never come looking for her again."

"ooh what that's suppose to do scare me?"

he walked up to him and stared him down.

"It should. Don't ever look at her, don't bother her, don't look for her, don't even think about her or I swear you will regret it."

Nathan backed up a bit.

"Well I don't know, I am sure she likes my attention as opposed to yours."

"Fuck off you are not part of my life anymore."

"You will see I will be the one next to you at night."

"Keep dreaming asshole."

Rob was getting more uneasy

"Come on Rob lets go."

He still stood his ground and kept staring him down.

"Rob please he isn't worth it."

he was still standing there.


he slowly stared to back away.

"Lets go."

he grabbed my hand and lead me off.

this was a side of Rob I have never seen before.


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