He fascinated me...

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Something deep inside me knew that he was the one.

I really can't explain it I just knew he was it.

I always said I would wait until I knew he was in my life forever or I knew that this was more than just a fling to him but there is that tug at my heart that says "sweetie he's it stop holding back."

This is a big step one that I can't take back after I have decided.

As I stared at the window of our New York cab he squeezed my hand and kissed the top of my head.

"Where are you today love?"

"In the land of dreams."

"tell me Belinda."

"Its...something that deserves privacy."

"Alright we'll talk it over a pie."

"How did you?"

"You like pie when its a big conversation, I pay attention love."

Funny how you don’t realized how someone else picks up on certain things.

Today we were headed down to the set where Rob was filming his new movie.

I really didn’t think I actually could say yes to going but Rob had a way of convincing me in the form of caffeine.

“Are you sure it’s okay to take me to the set?”

“Yes I’m sure and stop trying to snake you way out of this you’re going to be fine.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“If anything you can go to the book shop around the corner of the set if you feel uncomfortable. I know how you adore books.”

“Thank you. Plus I get to see you in action today.”

He chuckled nervously

“Well someone is nervous.”

“I have never had a girlfriend watch me work.”


“Yeah actually watch me, never.”

“This should be interesting.”

Rob took me everywhere on set and introduced me to everyone he worked with even his on screen love interest, Emilie, who was nothing but lovely.

Seeing Rob act was a completely different experience than watching him sing.

It was like he became another person.

He was another person.

He picked up an American accent and lost his British one.

He was more rebellious.

He wrote constantly in a prop notebook.

It was fascinating to see him like this. 

I stood in the back and watched him pull me into his performance.

Hitting his marks, getting his lines just right with the perfect emotion, it was a side of him I wanted to know more about.

The words CUT! Brought me out of my gazing state and brought Rob over to check up on me.

“How are you doing? Do you need anything?”

“Huh? Oh no I just, I just got a little lost in your performance. You were unbelievable!”

He smiled big and blushed a bit.

“Thank you love. I wanted to come over and tell you the next scene is a love scene and I wanted to make sure if-“

“I think I will go check out that bookstore. That’s just a little too much for me.”

“Alright then I will call you if it’s going to run a little late that way you could just head back to the room okay?”

“Okay. I love you.”

“love you too.”

I grabbed my bag and made my way off set.

I don’t think I could handle seeing him like that.

Being intimate with someone else, even though it was not real, I just couldn’t.

All I wanted was you..Where stories live. Discover now