but a part of me...deep inside loved the way he did those things

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we got up and thank Cordy and Dan for dinner.

"So where are you two heading?"

Dan always protective

"I think I might head back to the flower garden before it gets too dark after dropping this one off."

"Well alright just be careful you know how people can get around here."

"Will do Danny."

I turned to Rob and nodded and we were on our way.

we walked and enjoyed the sunlight touching our skin after being inside for a while.

"They are nice. and protective of you."

he caught that.

"Yeah after some stuff they took on the role of personal guards again anything bad."

"...what stuff?"

"Don't ask."

I snapped back.


"No...its just...its too painful to talk about I just..I don't want to think of it."


we kept walking and enjoying the stillness of the town.

everything was starting to close for the night.

well except the diner and the park...no one can close a park.

"can I ask you something?"


"When do you perform at that club?"

"I perform every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday unless they call me in for a show on another day."

"So that means if I stopped by tomorrow evening you will singing at the club?"


where was this leading to?

"I was wondering maybe if..."


"If I can get a seat closer to you."


he stopped and turned to me.

"I wanna hear and see you."

I looked at him....he meant it.

"I will get you a seat...next to Dan."

he smiled. I can't believe I said that.



we continued to the route to the hotel.

"Good evening Mr. Pattinson."


"Well I got to go."

"But its getting dark."

"Yeah and?"

"I don't feel comfortable with you being alone out there."

what the?...

"I will be fine. I do this all the time. I get a few weirdo trying to pick me up but nothing too drastic."

I saw his hand ball up into a fist.

"Rob its fine. I will be fine."

"Oh no you are not going anywhere by yourself, I am coming."

"But we are at your hotel you are being ridiculous!"

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