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With my mouth open and confusion written all over my face I stare at the scenario playing in front of me. It’s like being in a dramatic film where they think they don’t mean anything to you when in fact, they mean more than the world to you. I run a hand through my hair, something I tend to do a lot when I’m stressed or confused. Suddenly, Jessie and Phil burst out in laughter and high fived each other. This doesn’t help my confusion so I keep standing there, staring, one hand in my hair. Jessie runs towards me and jumps on my waist. –‘Why didn’t you recognize me?’ she whispers in my ear. –‘I don’t know, I recognized your eyes but I couldn’t quite place them. And when you talked… I don’t know…’ Jessie smirks and pecks my lips softly. –‘Don’t you like my voice?’ she asks pouting, but I can see a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. –‘Your voice is my favourite sound.’ Jessie smiles cutely and pecks my lips again. I love the feeling of her lips against mine, it’s like her lips were wine and I wanted to get drunk.  The ringing sound of my phone breaks the moment and hesitantly I pick it up. –‘Hello? This is Emma,’ I say cheerily. –‘Emma, darling! It’s your auntie Jordan! How are you?’ –‘I’m great, how are you? Everything fine in Spain? How’s Jasper?’ –‘We are both fine, thanks sweetheart. Well I was wondering, seeing as you’ve got a few months off, maybe you’d like to visit your auntie and uncle for a week?’ –‘Yes, I’d love to!’ Jessie looks at me, slightly hurt. –‘Jordan?’ –‘Yes darling?’ –‘Can I bring a friend?’ Jessie smiles widely. –‘Of course you can! Oh, and by the way, there is a plane leaving to Faro tomorrow at 8 in the evening.’ –‘Okay, I’ll see if I can book that flight.  I’ll call you later, alright?’ –‘Okay darling, talk to you later!’ –‘Bye!’ I smile at Jessie. –‘We’re going to Spain tomorrow!’

I’m currently lying in bed and staring at my empty suitcase. I booked the flight, talked to Jake, and everything was set up. Except the packing. It’s now nine in the morning and Jessie will be here at five, then we eat dinner and leave and six. I open my closet. I can’t wear shorts, people will see my scars, and chinos are too hot for Spain… I decided to take some of those shorts who end just above your knee. I’ve got a dozen of those. I also packed some tanktops, shirts, and a sweater just in case it gets cold in the evening. We’re staying at a hotel close to my auntie’s, it’s a great hotel, I’ve been there before. We’re hiring a car at the airport and then we have to drive about two hours to reach our destination. I was looking for bikinis when I came across my old diary. I have no idea what it’s doing in my closet, but I open in anyways. I was fourteen when I started this diary, because of my sister who was depressed and I needed someone to talk to, which was my diary as I didn’t really have friends. After reading the first page, I get emotional and throw the diary away. I lands in my closet, again, where I just let it lay around and continue my packing with stinging eyes, trying not to think about the past.

-‘EMMA! JESSIE IS HERE!’ –‘ALRIGHT, I’M COMING!’ I yell making Phil chuckle, he’s so immature. I run downstairs with in one hand my suitcase and in the other my backpack. –‘Hey sweetie,’ I greet her quickly before placing my bags down and greeting her properly. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. –‘Missed me?’ Jessie asks smirking as we pull away from our hug. Oh, if only she knew how much I actually missed her.

It’s weird how quickly you can get attached to someone. When we first met, I never thought I wanted her. I never thought I needed her. But I do, I do need her, I need her laugh to make me laugh, I need her smile to make me smile, I need her to make me feel alive again. And yes, I wanted her. I wanted her in every way possible, I wanted her forever, forever and always. I wanted her to make me fall for, I wanted her to make me fall so deep the oceans would be jealous. I wanted it all. I loved it all.

We’re sitting in the plane, next to each other, and every now and then we make eye contact. The stewardess walks by and asks me if we want anything. –‘Jess, do you want something? A drink?’ she shakes her head no and stares out of the window again. –‘No, thank you, we’re fine.’ I smile friendly at her and she winks. I roll my eyes and focus my attention on Jessie. –‘Do you like flying?’ I ask, drumming my hands on the leaning between us. –‘No, I don’t like people flirting with you. I want you to be all mine.’ I smirk at her, it was kind of cute she was possessive, because I know it won’t be that bad, she isn’t overly attached. –‘I’ll be all yours if you’re all mine.’ She looks up at me and smiles. –‘Good,’ she kisses my lips softly. –‘Jess, do you want to hear a joke?’ I ask, already giggling at the stupid joke I’m about to tell her. –‘Okay.’ –‘What did the big tomato say to the small one?’ She shrugs and I giggle more. –‘H-He said: ‘Catch up!’’ Jessie laughs loudly, making other people on the plane turn their heads.

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