Chapter 22

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Luke's PoV
Her heart was fading. Her smile had gone. It was all my fault. I didn't believe her. I chose a girl I hated. I felt ashamed. Her body laid on a white lifeless hospital bed. Tubes went in and out of her.
I saw it all from my bed. I couldn't move. I had a broken ankle.
Curtains closed around her but the machine noises soon came to a stop. I heard hushed voices. A doctor walked straight past me; down to where Calum and Michael were.
The curtain opened. Beth's damaged body laid there lifeless. It was wheeled away. No. No. No. This can't be happening.
"Luke! I'm so sorry." Calum said. My snapped to face him. I looked at him helplessly.
"Why should you be sorry? It's my fault she fucking died! I told her she was a liar. She loved me! She loved me! She was meant to be us next week! She had a life ahead of her. It's my fault she's gone!" I sobbed.
"Luke, she has suffered from all sorts. Her life was a mess. Your argument was that last tiny bit to set her off. It's tiny compared to what else happened." Michael said.
"She just found her brothers! She began to trust us! I thought she would be safe! She died today. On her sixteenth birthday. She was so happy. I saw her smile before it faded. I loved her. India put up the photo. It wouldn't have happened otherwise." I said.
"She had the two best months of her life with us. She had happy memories, most of them with you. You can't let one bad memory of her take over the good. Ash feels bad about it too and so do we." Calum said. I sat there crying. Beth was gone. I was never gonna have her back.
I had my cast put on and discharge papers filled. I was free to go home. Why should I go back to painful memories? Why should I go to something that I could barely stand? Her empty room would haunt me. Her laugh would echo through my head.
Michael wheeled me to the car and helped me get in. It was 9:00 pm by now. Calum had already started the car. He drove home.
I walked into the house on my crutches. I hobbled up to Beth's room just like she did on her first day here. I opened her closet and took one of her shirts out. It smelled like her. I sat on my bed and put on Beth's top. I climbed into her bed with my crutches resting on the bed side table. A tear rolled down my cheek. Don't cry Lukey boy echoed through my head. Her heart would live on in my soul. I could never forget my girl. She would haunt my memories and dreams for eternity. I loved her. Wherever she went and in the future I would join her. She was my happiness. My sunshine. My rainbow. Why did I argue with her? Why did she go? But I believe her heart will go on.

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