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I woke up to a series of beeps and a strange tube taped on my face. My whole body hurt and I felt that my whole body was just one large bruise.

"Rachel? Rachel you're awake!" I heard a familiar voice frantically say. I opened my eyes and although it was incredibly blurry, I could make out a figure. Dirty blonde hair. Strange eyes. Cigarette lips.


"How are you here?" I asked in amazement and confusion. I saw him fall out the window with glass in his eye. But then again... didn't I fall out too? And what happened to my mot- the woman? Kyle grinned and then I saw the piece of tape and bandages covering on of his eyes. I greedily took in his image as if it was the last time I would see him again.

"I fell onto the lever thankfully which meant that I didn't get a hard crash like you." He then tuned serious. "You could've died you know."

I looked away. There he was, worried about me after my kidnapping adoptive mother stabbed him in the eye with a shard of glass. I never understood why he didn't understand that nothing mattered except him being safe.

"Good point. Why didn't I die?" I asked, slightly surprised. I probably should've been more alert but my body was tired and my mind was exhausted by everything.

"Well once I fell the firefighters set up this thing that looks like a giant inflated mattress in case anyone else was to fall too. Thank goodness it caught you." He said thankfully and then the most peculiar thing happened. A tear welled up in his eye.

"Oh don't cry Kyle." I whispered, unsure on how to react and then he started smiling.

"What happened to Tilda La Tere though?" I asked. I was worried that she was going to find me once I'm better. Kyle frowned at the name and took my hand and held it within his.

"She's okay but she's in a psychiatric hospital right now. According to the news at least." I accidentally let a sob out as I thought of her. I did love her and I still loved her. How could I not. For a very long time I believed her to be my mother. I felt my heart drop as I thought of her alone in that place. However I couldn't bring myself to forgive. Not after everything she had done. Kyle saw that I was upset.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay now." He gently said. My eyes fell onto the wounded eye.

"I am so so sorry Kyle. I just... I was trapped and she said you were a criminal and I was so afraid and I should've tried harder to get help but I..." I trailed off and he pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay Rachel. It's okay." He mummered gently into my ear. He pulled away and then looked into my eyes.

"She was right. I was convicted of theft. But at that time I was stealing because I was so low Rachel. I was in a very bad place. But then I got a job due to a foundation and for Mr Egan's generosity and I found you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me." He whispered. I stared at the wall behind him.

"What about your eye?" I asked, changing the subject as I was beginning to go red.

"Oh. I'm blind in that eye now but that's okay. One blinded eye. Two blinded eyes. Five blinded eyes. I wouldn't mind as long as you are here." Wow cliché much.

"Is this what people call flirting now?" I joked.

"I guess so. I would know since clearly I'm a pro; half blind and in scrubs that show off my butt. Literally." I laughed and winced slightly but carried on anyway. He was right. Everything was going to be okay.

"Do you think they have a Starbucks in this place?" I asked. Kyle looked at me as if I just said I wanted to go skydiving without a parachute.

"What you do to coffee is despicable, I hope you never get to drink that god-like liquid again." He said seriously, staring into my eyes. I looked at the ceiling. I would never ever be ready for him to stare at me. Not at this rate I was going. Then I looked back and decided to just go f*ck it. I grabbed his scrubs and ignoring the burning ache in my arms, I pulled him in for a kiss.

They were incredibly addictive I had to admit. At first our eyes were wide open, as if we couldn't believe was was happening, I closed mine after I saw his flutter close. I wasn't sure on what to do but I could care less.

Everything was imperfect but I didn't care. The chapped lips, my stingy breath, our hands gently yet shyly touching. We were saddening disturbed by a knocking on the door and out lips separated, our breaths slightly laboured. TV made it look effortless while I was over hear not trying to breathe too hard, as if I had just ran a mile.

"Rachel? Is that you?" I heard the door open and footsteps walk in. Mr. Egan walked in, holding a bunch of flowers. They were lilies with willow saplings within them,

"Oh Mr. Egan, hey." I said awkwardly. What do I say to a man who could potentially be my father? Do I call him dad or...?

"No, no, call me George." He corrected me kindly. I was taken aback by this. Kyle excused himself and left us both together. I was glad he didn't try to make me call him 'Dad'. I didn't think I was ready. He probably wasn't either.

"I'm so so sorry." He quietly said, setting the flowers on my lap. He sat on the end of the bed and I could see his face go red with sadness and I could also see him trying not to cry. He didn't give an explanation to his apology but we both knew what he was talking about. He was sorry for letting me be taken even though it wasn't his fault.

"It's okay George. It wasn't your fault." I tried to say, attempting at the impossible attempt of comforting a man who seemed to have seen too much loss in his life.

"No it wasn't, you were so close to me and I didn't find you." He cried out, throwing his hands on his face. The amount of torment he was experiencing was so obvious, an idiot would've even had to see it.

"Look George? At least we found each other now." I whispered, placing my bruised hand on his arm. He looked up, tears filling his eyes.

"Your mother would have been so proud of you." I smiled and thought of what she would've been like. I looked at the willow branches.

"Is that a willow branch?" I asked slightly uncertainly, unsure on whether it was or not. I didn't want to assume incase I was sorely disappointed. He smiled slightly and looked at me.

"We used to have a willow dome in our garden. Your mother would play with you within them. Do you remember?" I shook my head. My subconscious had still yet to reveal memories of my mother but maybe they were coming through in my dreams.

"What happened to her?" I asked, finally wanting some answers to all the lies I had been force fed for years. He looked down at his lap again; ashamed.

"She went out to buy rampion, her favourite food especially when she had you, and... she was hit by a car. I'm sorry I should've been there! I should've insisted on walking with her to the shop but... she was stubborn and wanted her independence. I'm so sorry Rachel. I let down your mother and you. I am so so sorry." He whispered, tears now settling on my bed. I felt my own tears fall as well. For the pain of a mere mortal and for the loss of a mother. Who knew. My tears fell quicker, less for me but for the broken man infant of me. For the lost memories and childhood happiness I could've had. For everything that could've but didn't happen.

"I forgive you. I do." I replied. And it was true. I genuinely did.

For the first time in my life, I knew that things were going to change for the better.

And that's all that mattered.


So that was The Rapunzel Effect. I hope you all had as much fun reading it as I did writing it!

Thank to everyone who supported me, especially those who kept going even with my slow uploads.

I will be going over again and editing bits here and there but I hope its at least readable for now!

This is my first story and I hope there will be many more to come if you would want it to.

Over and out!

-Chocolate Coffee

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