The Prince Window Cleaning Company

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I sat up straight, my vision slightly blurry from sleep. Morning fatigue washed over me as the adrenaline burned off from the previous dream. I lay back for a moment, forgetting everything for a second. Then I remembered that my mother had gone on her business trip to Italy as I rubbed the last bit of sleep out of my eyes. I used to have baby sitters but by the time I was 16, my mother decided I was old enough to be alone.

The sitters did nothing except watch TV and take advantage of the pool we have on the roof. We had the state of the art kitchen anyway and a stock of food to last at least a month plus countless restaurants that deliver food in this part of the city. And considering the security here, burglars were not an issue. This was one of the rare moments where I feel truly free in my home. I could jump onto the kitchen table and start singing and dance if I wanted to. No one would tell me off. It was the closest thing I had to a party, in which I am the only party-goer. It may sound slightly depressing to some people but to me, it was a little piece of heaven.

Since it was the weekend, I didn't have tutoring over the computer with supposedly one of the top professors of the century which was a relief. I was a little lazy when it came to my studies even when my mother chastised me when I didn't do my independent studying. I was going to watch Tangled while eating ice cream and watch all The Vampire Diaries episodes I can cram in till midnight which I would then do some painting of the city at night.

I loved to paint and draw, since I didn't have a phone or a camera; it was my way of keeping visual memories. I suppose it was a little strange for a teenager to not have a phone but my mother was adamant for me to not have one since she pointed out I would only have one contact and what would be the point in having one since I have a laptop. Unfortunately my laptop didn't have a webcam so it wasn't as if I could take pictures with that either. Again, she asked why I needed a camera. It was one of those 'questions' in which you're not meant to answer so that was the end of the 'camera' conversation. I don't have any social networks such as Facebook since I wouldn't have any friends on it. Again, I wasn't allowed it even if I wanted it.

I went to go and have a long bath, trying to pamper myself a little at least. The water was too hot to be comfortable but at least it brought a touch of colour in my cheeks. I shampooed my hair and then rinsed it with lavender oil and water, filling the room with herbal scent. I was at complete bliss.

Well, until a crash came through from the living room.

I sat up in the bath suddenly, my hair sticking to my back. My heart beat increased as I felt the blood drain from my face.

Was it a burglar or a murderer... or worse?

I nearly fell out of the tub as I scrambled into my dress and underwear, not caring if my hair was dripping everywhere. The nearest phone was in the kitchen which was right next to the living room. No one would hear me if I screamed because of the sound-proof walls. I was utterly doomed.

Calm down. Stay strong. You can do this. I thought to myself, trying to comfort my frightened self.

Opening the door slightly and slipping out, I quietly and slowly walked to the living room, my cold hair dripping onto my shoulders and my feet leaving footprints made from water. Nevertheless, the goose-bumps weren't from the cold. I didn't even try to kid myself at that.

Grabbing the closest thing at hand, which was unfortunately a hairbrush, I help up my pitiful weapon to eye level and tensed every muscle in my body.

"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed as I ran into the living room, my war cry echoing around the room. Wow way to go Rachel, that war cry will certainly scare any intruder in the house...

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