Cutting Loose

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"I can't afford this." I sighed as Kyle kept reminding me over and over again while staring at the gold engraved leather which held the beautiful letters that spelt out something heavenly. Food. Food was the only thing I have to the outside world. Food came from outside and food had more social skills than I presumably will ever have in my life. That reason may be why I always feel hungry as I want to eat this foreign object. Or maybe just because the food mother always got me just happen to be pretty amazing.

"For the last time I told you, I'm paying." I almost cried quietly, waving a little shiny card that seemed to whisper in my ear that I should get the most expensive items on the menu just because I can. He frowned at me and I frowned back, mocking him. Mother used to mock me as a child if I was immature however that gradually stopped as I grew older. Probably due to her not spending enough time with me to find something to mock at.

"And for the last time I told you I can't afford this. All I have is a tenner and that was meant for a Subway and the train home." Subway? I thought that was an american term for the underground. But then why would he also take a train home? He really did confuse me a lot sometimes. Guests around us stared slightly, listening in to our conversation. I personally however understood why, two casually dressed teenagers walking into an expensive restaurant is obviously going to cause a slight amount of interest. The waiters however did not seem so delighted, especially as they just heard that Kyle only had 10 pounds.

"And I told you I'm buying. So don't talk and just swallow." I retorted. Apparently something I said was funny as he began to go red, trying to hold in his laughter and when he let it out, flecks of spit hit my face.

To say it was disgusting was an underestimation.

When our food arrived I saw a look of absolute horror on his face as I scarfed down my fois gras.

"You do realise you're eating liver." He said, shaking his head dramatically at what was once a beautifully arranged meal that now resembled a war ground. I ignored him and watched him pick at the green spaghetti he was served, unsure on how to eat it in a manner that won't attract stares.

I decided to ask about the strange man I had saw today.

"How can he afford that large building in central London if he only owns a window cleaning service?" I asked, inquisitively. I got a blank stare which I presumed was a look of 'you're an idiot'.

"Of course he doesn't just own a window cleaning service! I doubt he would even be able to rent a single bedroom room with the crappiest place here if he did! He owns multiple large companies; some invent strong types of glass, some create one of the worlds fastest computers, some employ men to wash glass and then for them to crash through." I smirked at the last comment, but then that quickly disappeared as I thought of my mother. She would absolutely kill me due to her worrying but on the other hand, maybe she'd be proud because I actually could go out. I was praying for the latter.

"So why a window cleaning company in such a big building?" Kyle sighed at my questions and proceeded to explain each building had a floor set to a certain business headquarters. He just happened to work for the main company which was based in central London, which was based in the building.

The conversation began to bore me and I decided that I was full and requested for the bill, placing my card carefully on the platter. This was the emergency credit card and I knew mother would be angry that I didn't ask for her permission to use it. I never understood why she'd get so angry about minute things. I tried to increase the amount of communication between us but I struggled as she was away a lot and I wasn't aloud a personal mobile phone.

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