Toothpaste Abuse

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I sat up straight, my vision slightly blurry from sleep. Morning fatigue washed over me as the adrenaline burned off from the previous dream. I visualised the willow again however this time instead of running away I tried to go towards it. I wasn't sure why there was a change this time as I had been having this repetitive dream for so long but when I was closer to the tree, it began disappearing, even though its branches were outstretched; trying to touch me. I heard a voice this time that was clearer than before. It was distinctive a woman's voice although I wasn't sure whose. I didn't drown this time but merely awoke after the tree has vanished completely, making my 'waking up' a lot less intense.

I laid back for a moment, forgetting everything for a second. Then I remembered that my mother had gone on her business trip to Italy as I rubbed the last bit of sleep out of my eyes. And then my eyes suddenly widened in shock.

I wasn't in my bed.

The past day's events flooded back into my mind and I let out a small scream as I fell out of the comfortable yet unfamiliar bed. I felt my body thud onto the ground and the duvet roll on top of me. Strangely, I was still extremely comfortable. I stretched out my limps and sat up, my hair falling into unattractive tangled knots down my back. I sighed. I knew I was going to be brushing it for a while today. Tasting the unappetising morning breath on my tongue, I quickly hobbled to the corridor and decided to search for the bathroom. It was an adventure in itself. However, the house, although tall, was quite narrow and I quickly located the room of water and clean and just general hygiene. Also according to many online newspapers, it was the home of selfies. Whatever the hell they were.

I found a small tube of Colgate toothpaste and decided to use my finger as a DIY toothbrush. More like toothrub. I stared in the mirror, rubbing my teeth and gums in the most un-awkward fashion as I could possibly try. Which, unsurprisingly, was awkward. Then, due to my intelligence, I managed to poke my toothpaste-covered-finger in my eye.

I immediately flinched at the burning pain and stumbled across the room, my hand clasped hard to my painful eye although that action brought no relief. Then I manage to slip on the wet floor and hit my butt hard as I landed ungracefully.

"Shit." I swore. I was shocked at my language. I never swore. I never ever swore. It was never prohibited in my home. Mother only ever swore after a failed business deal but even then, she kept up her integrity by moving swiftly on from the emotions she pushed away.

"I don't think I've ever heard you swear before. It's like watching a fish make sushi." I heard a slightly humoured voice come from behind me. I jumped and spun around, butt sliding on the floor.

"I don't swear." I retorted.

"I beg to differ." I gasped as I felt a strange emotion overwhelm me. I couldn't find the right word... it was... annoyance. I never felt annoyed. This was all so new.

"I don't swear!" I said more loudly, irritation seeping into my voice. I blushed red at the thought of him witnessing my butt hitting fall. Kyle continued to laugh slightly.

"Whatever, get up. You're coming with me to work today. This house isn't a hotel you know." He said as he pulled me up from the wet mess on the floor. I flinched slightly at his words. I didn't mean to take advantage of his hospitality as if his home was a hotel.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to intrude in your house like a hotel. You're right." I quickly replied and stared at the floor as if the tiles suddenly caught my sole interest.

"Hey hey wait, I was joking. Chill out." He lightly touched my shoulder and I looked up. My eyes started tearing up slightly. I hated the fact I kept crying. My emotions where in a whirlwind in my mind and I had no idea what to do or say. I decided to look up, slightly nervous. Staring at Kyle's eyes, I realised they weren't actually brown as I thought. They were a dark honey colour. They somehow felt warm, like warm honey tea by a fire place on a winter's morning. They were actually... aesthetically pleasing. I didn't even realise how long I was staring at him.

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