Overrated Starbucks Coffee

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I was shocked when I found myself past my door and into the little hallway where the solitary elevator was. Kyle let me down in from of the metal doors gently and ran back inside my house. I heard the doors shut. I was in absolute shock. I could feel my heart racing and I felt light headed. I panicked and I felt nervous, unsure on what to do. I was waiting for the panic attack that my mother had so often warned me about. I was still in a thin dress but I could feel the warmth of summer, even in the hall way. However, my long hair dripped down my back, making me shiver slightly. What on earth have I done.

"God you're heavy." I heard him say and immediately began to wriggle, partly because being man handled wasn't exactly pleasing but also because of embarrassment.

"Here." Kyle put down a pair of flats that I had by the door. I only ever had flats and trainers since my mother didn't want me to walk barefoot. She would wear the same black Prada stilettos at home. She said only low class people walk around bare foot so I was always forced to wear some sort of foot wear. I preferred my feet to not be encased by shoes but I had to follow her wishes. After all, she was my mother.

Kyle pressed the elevator button and we waited in silence for the metal box to rise. I didn't dare look at him, afraid I would have to talk. I seldom talked to my Mother and even then, I had trouble talking to her. I didn't know what to say or do with people. I would do role play with my dolls when I was little every day, finding comfort in the plastic toys. I would make up stories; sometimes they were escaping an evil dragon or they were the orphans in World War 2.

I never had any friends but I never minded there was always something to do. Whether it was cooking or studying, I was taught to always be doing something. Over the years however I began to grow bored. I had cooked almost every type of cake, taught over Skype by one of the best chefs in the world, I had played every type of classical piece on the piano. There was nothing left for me to perceive and achieve. Life had slowly become dull and the days flew by without me noticing.

"Are you scared?" Kyle asked, breaking the tension in the air. I kept my eyes trained on the doors as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"Not really."

"See, going outside of your apartment isn't that bad."

"Maybe but I think I've had enough for today." I said, thus ending our small talk. The elevator had arrived and he stepped in as I put my fingerprint in, letting the elevator work. He kept the doors open with his arm and looked at me.

"Close the doors Kyle."

"Come with me." We both spoke at the same time and my eyes widened a little.

"You've done so well coming out of your apartment. You should go all the way and come with me outside." He tried to persuade. I don't know why but I felt my cheeks redden slightly and I looked down instantly. A part of me just wanted to go back inside and carry on my day. I could call maintenance and they would replace the window immediately. I would watch tangled and it would be as I had never even met Kyle.

That was the more dominant side.

A small part of me wanted to go outside, the part that couldn't stand being caged any longer. To feel the pavement and visit the cafe's I had been drawing for so long. To hail a taxi and go anywhere. That was the side of me that didn't like getting pushed around by my mother, the side that was confident when I helped Kyle.

And that was the side I didn't choose.

I shook my head and stepped away from the elevator, my eyes looking anywhere but Kyle.

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