Part 1

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Not big with intro but if you get through this am sure you will enjoy the story. so here it goes. I hope you enjoy this book as much i I enjoy creating it. Vote , comment.thanks.
when Kevin stepped off his family's private jet, which brought him to the smallest airport he had ever seen,he had no idea that this small town holds every thing he ever wanted ; true friends, the love of his life and a life he may never want to live.

     As Kevin hauled his luggage behind his tall frame out of the air port, he wondered why it was so cold in the middle of march.

     when Kevin agreed to move out to the middle of no were to head a new branch of his father's accounting firm , he did not volunteer to go out of the goodness of his heart, but to prove to his dad and to the board of directors that he deserved the junior partnership he was given at the firm and that he was more than capable to fill his father's shoe as the next CEO when he decided to retire.

     Kevin spent his first two weeks talking to realtor who were to his surprise  cut throat , competitive, middle aged women who tried hard to get the new guy in town into one of their own listing as soon as possibly.

     His first day in town, Kevin had visited the only car dealership in town and was advised to get a four wheel drive if the wanted to survive the winter seasons. He then decided on getting his very first truck,  a red Chevy pickup which he soon came to love.

     The new branch he was put in charge grew faster than he ever expected, the firm had more accounts than was expected most from other neighborhood small towns. so when Kevin had requested permission from head quarters to hire more workers than the  original budget would allow, they were too willing to oblige.

     Life was going just fine for Kevin in his new town until he saw a full grown man blush at the sight of him.


      Jason was an average looking Joe or so he told him self anytime  he took a look at a mirror, but in reality he was way more attractive than he gave him self credit for.

      He was an inch away from six feet, with dark brown eyes, hazel brown hair, which he always kept a decent length so he could easily style it by just running fingers through.He also had  a perfectly arched eye brows that looked like they were drown on with the perfect skill of an artist, which framed most of his face making his facial features stand out more.

     Staring at the big,old and rusty sign board that showed the prize of gas and diesel,hanging to the side of the building, Jason pulled the gear to pack ,and turned off the engine of his car before taking his foot of the gas paddle.

    For the pass two years ,he had always chose to pack at the same spot for sentimental reason which seem stupid each time he thought of it,it was the same spot he packed his car the very first day he applied here for the position of assistant manager ,telling him self it was just a temporary position till he decided to go back to college.

      Jason had seen the position online and applied , being a small town he was practically hired on the spot ,with little or no experience  but just his three years of college studying business management and accounting.

     Working at a gas station sure had it's sparks but Jason never harbor any special feeling for the job,although he did his duties well and never slacked. He believes in giving his best to what ever he did, just as he was taught by his mother. Being raise by a single mother who was also a struggling artist who believed in her own art works than any one else, was no  walk in the park for both mother and child.

     Jason was force to grow up fast and learn to take care of him self. so when he decided to move from Chicago,a big city where he was born and raised to a small town in North Dakota for college, it came more as a relief than a surprise to his mother, soon after she married and move to Australia with her new husband.

     Jason grab his bag pack and laptop from the drivers sit and made a bee line for the build, as he worked in he saw Rita moping the floor, she was one of the devoted employee still working at the gas station, aside from him self for the past two years.

     when Jason first took the position , hiring more workers was one of his first task, being a small town he had expect to have regular workers who could last long but he was force to keep hiring new guys every few months or settling for temps which where mostly teenagers who could never work more than few hours a week , making scheduling more difficult than it already was .

     Smiling at Rita, he said "Hi"

     "Hi Jason " she said smiling up at him. she had stopped what she was doing

     "so Jason I hate to be the bearer of bad news first thing in the morning but..."

     Jason flinched before she finished her sentence , shaking his head he said " Not pump two again , pleases don't tell me it's backed up again?" looking at her hopefully..

     "Not that , heavens no... I will drop dead my self if we had to deal with that again this week" she said smiling at him

     "It's the drive through ... the car wash guy" she said gesturing behind her "Matt is not coming in again today, he just called in."

     " l'll take care of it."

     Jason heaved a sigh nodding his head as he move towards office, "it's just another day at the work then" he thought to his self.


      Stepping out of his car and preparing him self for yet another day at work, Jason pulled on his jacket and made his way into the gas station.

      "Hi Rita"  he said  to the rad head girl,who was leaning on her car and  smoking  a cigarette.

     Taking one last draw from the cigarette and puffing rings of smoke in to the air, Rita put the cigarette out in a near by ash stand and smiling  up at  Jason asked how he spent his night.  

    It had been only half an hour since the store opened when Jason hard the phone to the front desk ring from his office, stopping what he was doing he stepped out of his office just in time to see Rita hang up the phone.

    "That was Matt , he not coming in again today" said Rita.

    " so we have to cover the  car wash again today,this is the third time this week I guess I have to start looking for some one else."

    "If you will cover for me I will go set up out there ..."  Rita said as she stepped from behind the counter.

         "Just as Jason went to take her place Rita halt in her steps and turning added  "..and Jason pump two is not working again."

     "Oh god no please not again I just got some one down to fix it"

     "Not that, it pumps just fine, but it's not taking credit cards, two customers already complained."

"Thank goodness , they will just have to come in and pay. It will take a few days to get some one out here to fix it."

     The morning was relatively busy as customers went in and out of the store. when the bell on of the doors jingled, Jason lifted his gaze from his phone and putting it into his back pocket got ready to attend to the next customer.

    Jason watched the tall frame of a man with dark hair , in a neatly press blue suit make his way towards the coffee pumps. Even though Jason had no in-dept knowledge  of high end  designer outfits, he could tell from the cut and the way the suit fits the frame of it's wearer from behind, that it was expensive and that it was made just for the wearer.

    After getting a tall cup of coffee, the customer made his way towards Jason who now stood gaping at the customer in front of him.

****😳🤗 pls vote like enjoy

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