Part 9

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   when Kevin woke up from his nap it was past noon. Hearing the rustle of fabric behind him Jason called out.

   "Hey Kevin am in the kitchen."

     Making his way to the kitchen, Kevin halt in his steps when he saw Jason positioned in front of a easel painting.

    "You're painting"  Kevin said, stating the obvious.

    "Yap..."  replied Jason   "it's something new I don't know how it's going to turn out just yet".

   "I see, can I see it when you done"  Kevin asked as he hover over Jason scrutinizing the image on the canvas.

    "Sure why not, I will let you know when it's done .it will take a while thou."

     "OK" replied Kevin. Stepping back to the sitting room and returning with his phone in hand, Kevin asked.

    "Am going to call an order us, pizza what do you like?"

    "Double cheeses or pepperoni." replied Jason shifting his gaze long enough from his canvas to see Kevin hit the call button.

    Fearing Kevin should get bored, Jason paused his painting and spreading a sheet over his work went out to the sitting room to join Kevin.

    "How about we play a game on my Xbox"  Jason said, as he moved to sit next to Kevin

   "sure ...what do you have?"

    The two played for a while before the pizza arrived, and after Kevin kicked his ass repeatedly, Jason gave up, deciding to just eat his pizza and watch the other play by him self.

    When evening came Kevin bid Jason good bye, promising to return his cloths on Monday and offering to buy him dinner to thank him for his hospitality.

    Come Monday Kevin appeared  at Jason's front door a few minute pass six. Handing Jason a neatly folded shirt and pants, he offered to wait down stairs till the other was ready.

Jason hurried down as soon as he put away the cloths and locked his door. He was just about to strap him self into  the passenger sit when Kevin's phone rang. Seeing the look on Kevin's face, Jason guessed the caller was not one he was expecting.

    "Hello Cole, what do you want now " said Kevin holding his phone to his right ear.

  "You are were? What do you mean come pick you up this is not a good time to be joking around, am hanging up." 

     As Kevin tried to put away his phone a load  "...wait am serious Kevin, am at the tiniest airport I have ever seen in my life" came form the other end of the phone.

   Turning  to give Jason a polite smile Kevin said "am on my way."

    "We can do this another time"  said Jason moving to unbuckle his sit belt.

    "That was my brother", said Kevin explaining the preceding interlude.

    "Your brother. You don't sound very happy to hear from him."

   "Lets just say as much as I care for him, he is still a pin in my ass.  His is at the airport, can you believe he came down here with out first telling me."

    "Maybe he meant it to be a surprise"  said  Jason offering a reasonable explanation.

     "Do you mind coming with me, I still don't have a GPS and I don't  really recall the way to the airport."

     Listing to music and following Jason's careful directions, Kevin drove the two to the airport.

Standing with a back pack one one shoulder and a duffel bag on the other Jason recognized Cole in an instant, he looked just like his brother both  in stature and facial attribute.

    Winding down the passenger window, Kevin shouted, "get in " to his brother who stood smiling blissfully at the sight of Kevin.

    "My eyes device me  Kevin, what is my brother doing driving a truck? or is it your's?"  asked Cole leaning forward from the back sit and addressing Jason.

Turning to  glare at his brother Kevin initiated an introduction, "Jason meet my brother Cole , Cole Jason a friend."

    Taking the offered hand, Jason was held in a firm grip before been let go.

   "What are you doing here Cole?"  asked Kevin his eyes on the road as he made his way back to town.

   "Do you have to ask, am here to spy on you off cause. Mum wants details and am here to get them. when you came home for your visit you looked like you were on some kind of vacation not on exile as every one thought."

    "What are you talking about, and how long are you staying?" asked  Kevin still not taking his eyes off the road.

    "A week should suffice . I should have something to report by then. so Jason hmm do you work with this guy?"  Cole asked clasping a hand on his brothers shoulder.

   "No" replied Jason turning to look at Kevin for help.

    The drive back into town was a little less peaceful, as Cole bombarded Jason with question, since his brother refused to answer his many questions and sometimes choosing to ignore in his presence in general.

   When the three got into town, Kevin drove Jason back to his apartment.

    "Hey you don't have to change your schedule for my sake we can all go back to Kevin's if you like"  Cole said as Jason  moved to leave the truck.

   "No you two should spend some time alone." said Jason hurrying out the car.

    "Hey wait up, how about we get a drink tomorrow and you can tell me what my brother have been up to."

    Halting in his step Jason gave his consent and waved the two good bye.

     When Kevin came in for coffee the next morning Cole was in-tow . "so this is were you work nice... nice"  said Cole looking from one end of the store to another.

  "Hey"  Kevin said  slipping a ten  to pay for two cups of  coffee.

   "Are you sure you want to meet up for drinks tonight, my brother can be quite a hand full."

     "I can't get out off it now even if I want to" said Jason smiling

   "When you dropped me off last night I went to get something to eat and I ran in to Megan . I kind of let it slip that your bother was in town and  we were having drinks tonight."

"No you didn't"  said Kevin in a low voice

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