Part 15

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The two dinned at a place called The French laundry ,one of the most beautiful restaurant Jason had ever been too. They enjoyed fine wine and meals prepared by expert chefs and by the time they got back to Kevin's family home the guest were already arriving for the new year eve party.

Kevin excused him self from a smartly dressed Jason to go welcome his family guests, leaving Jason to spend the evening wondering among the crowd of elegantly dressed men and women.

Silently thanking Kevin for his out fit, Jason stood aside nursing a glass of Champlain as he watched Kevin glide from one small group to the other.

Kevin's parent were nothing like Jason had imagined. Kevin's dad, a gray head man who looked like he was in his mid sixties , had merely glanced from Jason to Megan with a polite smile fixed on his slightly wrinkled lips, when Kevin introduced them as his friends earlier in the day. Kevin's mum, a golden hair woman who looked a few years younger than her husband, welcomed them with open arms.

Too caught up in his thoughts, Jason did not see Kevin making his way to him until a firm hand clapped his shoulder. "You should mingle" Kevin said.

Giving Kevin a small smile Jason shifted his gaze back to the crowd. It was almost midnight when Kevin came to stand by Jason's side and when the clock stroke twelve, Kevin turned over and wished Jason a happy new year with a glint in his eyes that Jason did not have time to interpret as other guests came over to wish the the two a happy new year.

By the time Kevin could get away from his guests it was hours past midnight, he found Jason by a fountain and taking his hand lead them into a small garden.

The two walked about in silence before hearing the sound of soft laughter. The two soon came insight of the source of the laughter, they saw Cole and Megan standing wrapped in each others arms and talking in low tones.

When Cole sensed the presence of other parties in the garden, he took Megan's hands and guide her towards the Kevin and Jason.

"So you guys are the peeing toms interrupting our alone time" Cole said leaning over to place a chaste kiss on Megan's lips.

"Don't call them that" Megan admonished and before she could say more Cole lend closer and whispering something into her ear sent a blushing Megan. strolling away from the three men after she had wished Kevin and Jason a happy new year Megan made her way back to the party crowd .

"So I see you didn't take my advised Jason " Cole said when Megan was out of hearing.

In reply Jason only stood looking at Cole with a smirk spread on his face.

Seeing the smug look on Jason's face, Cole added.

"I can't wait to see the look on dad's face when he finds out about you guys but given his track record he may not even flinch.

The smirk on Jason's face gave way to one of genius dread . Kevin looked from his brother to Jason but neither bothered to give him a clue as to why they were glaring at each other.

"Thank you for your concern Cole but I will like to tell dad my self if you don't mind" Kevin stated.

"Don't worry, I won't go blabbing about you affairs. it's non of my business." Cole replied turning to walk away from Jason and his brother.

"What did he mean by you not taking his advice" Kevin asked when Cole was out sight.

"Nothing..." Jason replied "... I will tell you some other time. Now I just want to head up to bed,I think I have enough to start me off this year ".

Kevin watched Jason make his way back to his room and then he went back to mingle among the now drastically diminished crowd.

Jason was about to whine him self down for bed but a small tap sounded on his door prevented him, not sure who it was he reluctantly said "come in."

The door opened and Kevin still dressed in his party outfit stepped in and close the door behind him.

"Hey you not sleeping yet" , Kevin asked as he made his way to the side of the bed.

"No not yet. is the party over?" Jason asked

"ya more or less, just a few close friends who may spend the night are left."

"I see." Jason replied as he sat up on his bed , trying to make out Kevin's face in the darkness.

"I didn't get a kiss at midnight" Kevin stated, as he leaned closer to Jason in the dark room.

"It's not to late" Jason replied stretching out his hand to feel for Kevin's face in the darkness and then he guided his lip on to Kevin's. The kiss was soft and gently at first but soon grew more passionate.

Puling away from Kevin and panting for breath Jason said.

" even though It toke you months to make up you mind and am happy I finally know what your lips feel like, but we can't do this in your parents house."

Ignoring Jason's words, Kevin grab Jason's lip between his teeth and increasing the urgency of his kiss, laid Jason back down on the bed before moving his tall frame on top of him. Just as Jason was getting use to Kevin's weight on top of him the later pulled away getting on to his feet.

Staring up at Kevin with a questioning look even though he could not see him in the darkness, Jason hard Kevin pull of his clothing leaving on his T shirt and his shorts before climbing back into bed.

Rolling to his side and drawing Jason to his side, Kevin wished Jason a goodnight.

Rolling to face Kevin, Jason glared at him in the dark.

"I can feel you glaring at me you know" Kevin said. "you were so eager to point out that we were in my parents house a minute ago and when I take to your advise you don't seem too happy about it."

Only silent came from the man Kevin held in his arms.

"Go to sleep Jason. I promise I will make it up to you went we get home." Kevin added.

This time in response to his statement, Jason turned his back to Kevin and soon Jason soon hard soft snores coming from the man he shared his bed with.

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