Part 4

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The next time Jason saw kelvin walk into the store, he was way more apprehensive than excited. He was not sure how to relate to Kevin now they were on a more friendly acquaintance.

    "So it was fun meeting your friends that night and you too." said Kevin as he set his coffee on the counter and reach for his wallet.

   "Ya it was nice putting a name to the face I see almost every morning"  said Jason with a broad smile.

   "You ok with me hanging out with you guys this Friday? I kind of got a feeling you may not, you kept staring all night and hardly said a word too me, If it feels wired for you I could call Meagan and tell her to tell Cynthia I won't make it."

    "god no, am cool with you, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, look why don't I pay for your coffee today as a sign of good faith."  Jason said as he reach behind him for his wallet.

   "Naa am good I will pay for my coffee" Kevin replied sliding exact change to Jason.

   The cheerful simile on Jason face fell and as if noticing it Kevin added

"Look if you really want to by me a drink how about some thing more expensive, if you free after work we can go to the sport bar on the other side of town and you can buy me a real drink"

   The smile on Jason's face gave Kevin his answer before Jason could put it into words.

   "So what time do you get off work?" Kevin asked the smiling man behind the counter.

   "Five ...five thirty, deepening on when the evening crew decide to show up"

"OK, I'll see you at five thirty then. I have to go home and change. I seem to stick out like a sour thumb around here when ever I show up dressed like this"  Kevin said running his hand down the front of his suit jacket.

   After he bid Kevin good bye Jason spent the rest of his day day-dreaming of when he was to get off work.

     When Jason step out of the store at about five twenty he saw Kevin's truck packed out front, forgetting him self he went straight towards it, as he drew nearer, Kevin poke his head out of his window and said

"Get in, you got off earlier than I thought"

    Cordial greeting exchanged, Jason then asked Kevin about his day and in return he also got asked about he's day, after which the trip down to the sport bar was spent in comfortable silence.

   When they reached their destination, Jason ordered Kevin a drink and paid it.

   Taking a sip from his own drink Jason said. "Do you mind if I get something to eat, am starving"

   "Sure go ahead am in no a hurry, beside it's going to take me a while to finish this drink since it's all am having tonight."

   "You know I can get you more than one drink if you want" Jason said with a polite smile on his face.

   "No i don't mean that .. ." Kevin said between chuckles.  "I just meant I will have to drive you home so I can't have more that this " said  Kevin, raising his cup to Jason.

    With a nod of the head Jason went back to studying the menu the bartender placed in front of him, before adding in a low tone  " you don't have to."

   "Sorry I  don't get that" came Kevin's reply now fixing his gaze on Jason

    "I mean you just have to drive me back to the gas station. I drove my self to work so I need to go get my car."

    "Oh you should have told me when I picked you up, I..."

  " It's cool"  Jason replied in a reassuring tone, waving aside Kevin's attempt at an apology but in a still small tone so Kevin could not hear he said to him self "I would't have given up a chance to ride with you in the first place."

    Leaning over to his side to pear at the menu Jason held  Kevin said "I think I will get some thing to eat too."

    When the bartender made it to the side where the two were seated he took an order for a bowl of chili with a side of french fries from Kevin and an order of  double beef burger with onion rings from Jason.

    "So how do you like it here so far" asked Jason as the two waited on their food.

    "Oh It's  been great, work is going  better than I anticipated" replied Kevin . "so do you like working at the gas station?"   Kevin asked .

    "Yes I don't mind, it's not the greatest job but you get use to it."

    "You went to college out here right ? I remember Meagan saying you all went to the same college . If you don't mind me asking, what did you go for .. I mean you major?"

   "Yes we all did , I studied accounting, same as Meagan and john studied engineering I believe. Non of us is actually using our degree if you notice . The job at the gas station don't really require a degree but it dose help. John runs his father's construction company now so he's actually putting his degree to some use, and Megan manages the women shelter in town."

   "She dose,  here I was thinking she was just a bartender"   Kevin said interruption Jason's informative speech.

   "no  she only works at the bar during the weekends. It use to be her part time job when we were in college . We were not too surprised  she choose to still keep it as a part time job even after she landed her position at the shelter."

     "Good to know she is more than  just a bar tender" Kevin chuckle in reply

    "Well if you ever want to use your degree we are always hiring" Kevin added in a more serious tone.

   "Thanks for the offer but believe it or not I actually kinda like my job, it gives me time to focus on my painting"    Jason said giving Kevin a polite smile.

    "You paint?"  Kevin asked in a lighter tone .

   "Yes I do"

   " I will like to see some of your work some day, so I can judged for my self if you are any good"

Jason laughter rang out load, drawing attention to the two and few seconds later their food arrived.

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