Part 13

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Following behind Megan, Kevin and Jason found them self's near the front lobby of the hotel and moving over to sit in a small lounge area they waited for the promised limo to pick them up.

Jason and Kevin sat surrounded by beautiful young women wearing the same hand bands as they had on .

After waiting a few minutes Megan decided to go get a drink from the bar, a while later Jason also decided he needed a drink. Turning to ask Kevin if he wanted something to drink he got a nod as a response as the other was engrossed in a conversation with a petite blond siting next to him with a cleavage that left nothing to the imagination.

When Jason came back Kevin was still talking to the blond so handing Kevin his drink he gulped down his own in one chug. Turning to look at Jason, Kevin proceed to chug his drink as well before getting up and saying he was going to get more drinks.

When Kevin left the blond girl moved to sit next to Jason.

"His gorgeous" said the blond, nodding her head towards the retreating figure of Kevin.

"He is isn't he" replied Jason, getting a sheepish look from the blond. Recovering her self she said.

"Am Stella by the way."

"Jason" Jason said reaching out to grab the delicate hand offered to him. He didn't need her to point out facts he already knew, he thought to him self as he forced a smile to his face.

Smiling and revealing a perfectly set of with teeth Stella said " I was not imaging it then."

"Imagining what?" Jason asked.

"That you were giving me a death glare while I was talking to your friend" Stella added.

It was now Jason's turn to be embarrassed . "I don't mean too..." he said

"Look I didn't mean anything by it, If you guys are together" Stella said, her gaze inquiring.

"No we're not" Jason replied

"Is that so", Stella said chuckling

"Well then you should up your game, you do like him don't you?" getting no response she continued.

"You know not every girl will be as understanding as I am and they will snatch him away from your grasp before you can say Jack." Stella continued the conversation, a warm smile still on her face.

Noticing Kevin making his way back towards them Stella stood up and leaning over to plant a kiss on Jason's cheek whispered, "good luck... Jason".

Both Jason and Kevin, now standing side to side , watched Stella with similar astonishing expression as she walked away from them.

"What was that about?" asked Kevin

"You don't want to know" said Jason taking the drink Kevin held out to him.

"Come on man" pressed Kevin but getting a stiff glance from Jason, kevin drooped the topic.

The limo finally arrived and took Jason, his friends and other waiting parties out to the club. The club was in full blast when the limo arrived it's destination and there was also a long line of waiting people stretched out as far as the eyes could see by the clubs entrance but Jason, Megan and Kevin got-in in no time because of the special hand bands they wore.

Kevin and Jason soon lost sight of Megan once inside the club and when they did see her she was dancing with a different guy.

After getting drinks, Kevin and Jason hit the dance floor, they soon found dancing partners and were letting lose and getting into the loud music. when something slow came on. Jason excused him self from dance companion and made to leave the dance floor when he felt a hand grab him by the waist pulling him back.

Turning around to see who it was, Jason surprise could not be contained when he saw the calm face of Kevin drawn close to his as he held Jason close to his chest moving and swaying to the music playing softly in the background.

Letting him self go Jason relaxed into the hand that held him in place. Letting his hand wonder to Kevin's arm and then his shoulder and still not getting a reaction from the other Jason suddenly came to he senses. Pulling away from Kevin's embrace Jason walked rapidly out of the club, ignoring Kevin who fervently called out to him as he followed behind.

"Hey wait up" Kevin said, when the two finally got out side.

"What! You should go back in" Jason said "I just need some fresh air."

"I don't think we can get back in now, the line is twice what it was when we came." Kevin said shifting his gaze to look at the crowed that swam around them. Garbing Jason's hand Kevin lead them away from the crowd.

Halting in his steps Jason turned to the Kevin .

"Please Kevin I don't want this, I don't want to get the wrong ideas, so if you won't come out and tell me you change your mind about me please don't..."

Cutting Jason off abruptly, Kevin said. "wrong ideas what are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I mean Kevin, look I don't want to loss the friendship your offering but if you keep behaving like you just did in there, I may not be able to even have that." The tone in which Jason now poured out his heart brought a look to Kevin's face that Jason had never seen there before.

Stepping so close that there was hardly any room left between them, Kevin reached out both hands and cupping Jason's face lifted it up to meet his soft gaze.

"You know I was not really surprised when you tried to kiss me that night". Kevin said to a very shocked Jason.

"What do you mean by not surprised." Jason asked.

"Well the first day I saw you at the gas station, you practically turned red all over when you attended to me" Kevin said withdrawing his hand and placing them into his pocket before adding.

"Then, I thought you were going to make a move but months went by and you did nothing so I thought I guessed wrong. But then suddenly you tried to kiss me out of the blue and that was what took me by surprise."

The surprising look on Jason's face now gave way to a scornful glare. "So you knew how I felt about you and you said nothing." he asked in an unstable but loud tone.

Stepping up to the angry looking Jason, Kevin said "Give me time Jason, time to think about this, to think about us OK. I still haven't warped my head around the idea that you like me.... and When I held you while we danced I realized I didn't hate the feeling at all"

The angry look on Jason's face soften. "You're not joking with me are you? cause that will be just wrong" asked Jason a smile now creeping to his lips.

"No am not" Kevin replied, turning and walking ahead of Jason

Taking a few minute to text Megan and getting a reply that seem favorable, Jason jogged forward to join Kevin and they made their way back to the hotel.

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