Part 12

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When Jason woke up the next morning, he contemplated not keeping his appointment with Kevin, but deciding he was not going to put his life on hold by continuing to ignore his friends, Kevin included he decided on going.

Getting off work and had heading home to change and then garbing a parcel that laid by the his door, Jason started off on his way to Kevin's.

Ringing the door bell and waiting to be let in, Jason took a deep breath. Putting a smile on his face, he prepared to face the man he couldn't bring him self to stop loving even after been woefully rejected .

"Hey. come one in" said Kevin stepping aside to let Jason in.

"You come bearing gifts i see?"

"Yes. kind off..., well you can keep it if you like it" replied Jason, handing the parcel to Kevin and taking a sit on a comfortable looking arm chair.

Carefully unwrapping the offered package to reveal a painting, a warm smile spread on Kevin's face . " its beautiful are you sure I can have it" asked Kevin

"Yes it was the one I was working on and you said you wanted to see when it was done."

"Thanks man it will look good hanging right there " Kevin said gesturing towards an open space on his wall.

"You don't have to pretend you like it", Jason said

"but I do... I really do" Kevin replied, walking over to an opposite arm chair and carefully laying the painting on it. "I will hang it up as soon as we're done eating come on"

Following behind Kevin, Jason walked into a very disorganized kitchen.

"I see you've been busy" said Jason looking at the disheveled state of the kitchen.

"believe it or not we are having frozen lasagna for dinner. I put it into the oven just before you came. I did try making some thing as I promised but it didn't trun out right" explained Kevin as proceeded to tidy up his kitchen .

"Get some thing to drink from the fridge" Kevin added as he bent over the trash can to empty out a pan he was holding.

Doing as he was asked Jason walked to the fridge and pulling out a can of beer took a long gulp before shifting his attention back to Kevin who was now standing near him reaching to grab him self a beer too.

Closing the fridge and stepping away Kevin said. "So Jason have you always been ... you know... ?

Before Kevin could finish his sentence, Jason understood were he was heading so he answered. "Yes... well no I don't think so, I have dated women, and never really thought of men that way."

"but you tried to kiss me ..." Kevin said, trying to make sense of what Jason was getting at.

"Yes" was all Jason could get out.

"Look I don't mind if you're gay or not, so just stop trying to avoid me. I think we can still be good friends but if you're uncomfortable having me around, I can keep my distance."

"Na were good, I told you already" Jason replied

"So you still won't mind me coming on the Miami trip with you guys next weekend?"

"No I don't" Jason replied, taking another mouthful of his drink and forcing a broad smile to his face. Just as Kevin was about to reply the timer to the oven went off.

"Let's eat, now we've got that out of the way." Kevin said with a sigh of relief, as he went toward the oven.

As promised Jason stopped avoiding Kevin when ever he came in for his morning coffee and the two soon went back to their usual routine, only this time Jason knew Kevin could noticed his heated gaze more frequently than he did before and Kevin refused to acknowledge how awkward Jason's feeble attempt to behave nonchalantly around him when ever they got together or hang out with their other friends.

Weeks went by and it was a merry group of four that stepped into one of Miami's finest hotel on a very sunny afternoon.

John and Cynthia checked into a room and so did Megan, but Kevin insisted on shearing a room with Jason although the later repeatedly refused the idea. When the little group at the front desk started to draw attention Megan stepped in and insisted the two share a room for the night then decided what to do for the other three nights.

Although Cynthia's baby bump was already showing she refused to stay indoors and followed her friends out to the beach. When Jason came down he saw Megan , Cynthia and John already waiting out on the lounge, beach towels in hands and the ladies dressed for the occasion.

"Where is Kevin?" Megan asked

"He should be down soon" Jason answered, and as he spoke Kevin stepped out of the elevator to join his friends.

After renting beach umbrellas and extra chairs, the four spent the late afternoon stretched out on the beach. Megan took pictures non stop while Cynthia was ever ready to pose to have her picture taken. Before the group left the beach that evening Kevin stopped a passer by and handing over his phone, gathered up his friends for a group photo.

Later that evening Jason and Kevin got dressed up and went down to the small bar in the hotel and before long John joined them. It took an hour or so before Cynthia and Megan joined the men down stair all dressed up in fancy dresses which Jason knew they save for special vocations. .

Megan left the group and when Jason saw her making her way back to them, she had a tall , black hair and blue eyes girl in-tow.

"Their is a limo coming to haul people out to some new club and we get free passes" said Megan.

"I don't think we will be going" said John smiling warmly at Megan then at the girl.

"Am not going by self" she pouted shifting her gaze to Jason then to Kevin.

"You guys will go with me right?" Megan said and before the two could reply she pushed the girl who had been standing patiently by her side forward and soon the two had identical hand bands to the one Megan wore.

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