Part 2

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As Jason stood gazing at the costumier in front of him he felt  the  back view  he got earlier did no justices  to the man standing in front of him , he also  felt that the man was not only  handsome but also had  charisma he only wished he had himself .

    Jason's inner ramblings was interrupted when the man in front of him spook. "is Rita not working today?" he asked.

    "No she is ... she is out back , she should be out in a few mint."

"I see"  said the customer , sliding over a ten dollar bill to Jason, he took it and as he bent his head to get change he could feel he heat rush to his face.

Causing himself for his childish reaction to a man he barely know, Kevin willed him self to speak.

"Hope you found every thing you want?"

"yes for now I guess, what I really want is a cup of french pressed cappuccino, no offense to you guys coffee, it's actual pretty good.

"Non taken, am guessing you are not from around here"  asked Jason

"You could  say that.... am "  the man said , pausing in his speech long a enough to take a better look at Jason before shifting his gaze to his name tag.

    Jason unconsciously ran his fingers through his hair, pushing the hair further back as if to give his observer a better view of his features.

      He had been told on numerous occasion that with the exception of his square chin and broad shoulder which he got from his father , he looked just like his mother who was a known beauty to those who knew her.

    Jason couldn't shake the feeling he suddenly had to appear desirable or just plain good looking to the man standing in front of him.

    "Are you new here... Jason?"  asked the customer gathering his change from the counter and putting it into his wallet.

  "I have been coming here for the three past weeks and I have always met Rita."

     "No..." Jason replied  "Am actually the store's manager."

    "Really, but I have never seen you here before"

    "Really"  was the only reply Jason could muster along with a nod of his head.

     "well have a nice day" said the customer garbing his coffee off the counter.

      "you too" replied Jason  and he watched the customer turn to walk out the door. slipping unconsciously from behind the counter, Jason watched the man get in to a red truck.

    "now that is just wrong.. that truck don't go with the get up at all"  Jason said out loud

     "who are you talking too?"  came Rita's voice from behind him.

    "No one just saw one of those fancy corporate guys that pass through here get in to a truck. He said he was one of your regulars."   

"Really ... let me see.." said Rita, putting her finger to her chin and then taking a quick glance at the wall  to the clock.

    " eyes, dark hair, devilishly handsome, tall guy in expensive suit."

    "yes... " Jason exclaimed "...he was not lying after all"

   "Nope ..comes here every week day like clock work between nine thirty and ten in the morning. he seems like a nice guy."

    "why? because he looks good?"  asked Jason smiling mischievously at Rita as she made her way behind the counter

    "No  I just feel like he is know the first time he came in here he asked if there was a coffee shop in town, you know like a Starbucks or something, I told him there was a Dunkin Dount if he wanted anything fancy, but  that he had to drive to the mall on the other side of town to get it ."   Rita said with a mischievous grin on her face.

    "that will be a long drive for a morning coffee said Jason between chuckles , I wonder how long he will last in our small town."

    "I bet winter will send him running back to were ever he hails from" replied Rita just as the bell on the door jingle indicating the arrival of another customer.


     Jason locked his car and walked slowly into the store, as he made his way to his way to his  office,  a simile spread over his face and his heart almost flutter in anticipation . For the past four days he had gone out of his way to make sure he was at the front desk every morning, so he could catch a glimpse of the man who made him feel the things he could not yet put into words.

    Although Jason never really got to speak to the man, aside from the occasional "Hello" or "Hi" followed by a nod of the head, he still waited patiently every morning to see him.

    Jason was contented just watching the charismatic regular engage Rita in  small talks -like how good the weather had been or watching him complement her when ever she wore her hair different or wore one of her bold and bulky fancy accessory.

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