Part 6

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Arriving their destination, Jason lead up to the front door, pressing the door bell button the two waited to be let in. The small frame of Cynthia appeared at the door and seeing Kevin she stood up on her tip toes to lock him in an embrace. Letting go of the now  startled Kevin,Cynthia lead the two visitors in side.

    "You guys made it..."  said John coming in from the yard and clasping a hand of both Jason and Kevin's shoulder. "...make you selfs at home"  he added.

     "You have a nice place"  Kevin said shifting his gaze from one end of the room to another.

     "Thanks... he built it with his own two hands"  said Cynthia as she linked her hands to John's.

    "Yap so if you ever need any work done you know who to call" added John .

     "Am so glad you could make it Kevin..." Cynthia said  "and you too Jason" she added after a pause with a sweet smile.

      "Hey you're here"  said Megan to no one in particular as she made her way towards the group of four, after getting cordial greetings out of the way Megan lead Kevin out to the yard.

      Jason recognized some familiar faces from college but most of the crowd were Cynthia's friend. Jason spied Kate talking to the familiar figure  of Eric, a tall six feet two high school sweet heart of Kate's. The poor guy had misery written on his face, Jason remembered Kate turning down his marriage proposal on her senior high school prom ,it was the talk of the town for months but the poor guy seem unrelenting and has been string -on on a leash for years by Kate.

    The BBQ turned out to be an engagement party for John and Cynthia,and as the party wined down Kevin offered to drive Megan to work at the bar while Jason made his way home for the day.

    As the next few weeks flew by Kevin's morning coffee runs took a little longer than usual. Jason enjoyed detaining him with random chats as they got to know each other better.

    Jason also spent more time together with Kevin at the sport bar having dinner or just hanging out. The two also spent many a Friday nights hanging out with out at 'The Bucks' with Megan and John and also Cynthia when she felt up to it. They also spent time hanging out at the sport bar having dinner.

    Contrary to Jason's inner joy at the the rapid growth of his friendship with Kevin, he also lamenting in silence as it became harder and harder to hide his feeling. Any time Kevin caught Jason staring at him so intensely, Jason fear that Kevin was going to start keeping his distance but to his surprise Kevin didn't seem to mind or was just to blind to notice.

   As months went by and Jason found it difficult to keep his hands to him self, he started giving into the urging of the little devil sitting figuratively on his shoulder, so he decided to start reduce the frequency of his meetings with Kevin out side the gas station, sometimes making excuses to avoid going to sport bar or hang out at 'The Buck" with Megan and the others.

     As  Jason made his rounds in the store and waited patiently for Kevin to show up, he almost felt a pain when come ten thirty and still no Kevin walking in through his doors for his morning coffee. He could not shake the feeling that may be Kevin had caught on  his unusual behavior around him and had decided to keep his distance.

    When the door jingle at almost noon Jason ready to let Rita attend to yet another costumer but was surprised to see an unshaven Kevin standing before him, not in his usual attire but was dressed in black jeans , black T shirt with a blue checkered long sleeve over it.

    "Hey i didn't know they change the dress code for office workers recently" said Jason jokingly

   "Na..." chuckle Kevin   " leaving town."

     The look of surprise on Jason's face soon gave way to pure shock,  when it came to his mind that at last Kevin may just be done with what ever brought him town and was now leaving.

    "You are leaving town?" Jason asked, repeating Kevin's statement in the most stable voice he could muster.

     "Yes for a few days I should be back by  Saturday ... the powers that be want a report in person"  said Kevin  with a smile on his face, his gaze not leaving Jason's now pale one.

    Remembering to breath once again Jason broke out in a loud laugh, his relief showed clearly on his face.

    "Man you scared me there for a second, I though you were leaving us for good, you did say you were just here for a while."

    "Ya but I won't just up and leave with out telling you guys, I told the others last Friday night at 'The Buck', you weren't there . Megan says they hardly see you nowadays are you so busy?"

   "yes kind off"

    "Well I'll see you on Saturday if you not busy, am meeting John at the sports bar to watch some paper view wrestling .. you should come."

    Forgetting his new resolve to keep away, Jason promised to see Kevin Saturday night. Taking his coffee of the counter  Kevin made to leave. In his excitement  Jason walked  Kevin to his car  and wishing him a safe trip wave vigorously at Kevin as he drove away.

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