Part 11

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Jason kept his mind occupied and his hands busy by spending his free time locked up in his apartment painting .His phone rang and picking it up he saw a text from Kevin inviting him and the others to the bar to celebrate Cole's departure. Setting his phone back down, Jason went back to enjoying his alone time his special day.

Jason had his door bell ring as he bent over the stove top preparing him self dinner. Walking to the door and pulling it open he saw Kevin's smiling face beaming at him. Stepping aside to let Kevin pass Jason asked.

"What you doing here? you should be at the bar"

"I was..." Kevin answered, stepping in and closing the door behind him, before taking off his jacket and setting it on the couch.

" but I was told you won't be there, and that you like spending your birthday in solitude. why didn't you tell me it was your birthday I would gave gotten you a cup cake or some thing" Kevin said, smiling mischievously at Jason's glaring gaze.

"Because I like spending my birthday alone. I always have and I don't want gifts either." retorted Jason, moving to the kitchen and steering the open pan on the stove.

"Yes Megan said something about them planing a trip instead of getting you gifts. they decided on Miami by the time I left and I was invited to join you guys, that if you don't mind."

"Why not. The more the merrier, they do this every year no matter what I say, last year it was Vegas, the year before I think we went to Hawaii. The trips are fun anyway and it gives us an excuse to leave this small town for a while".

Turning off the burner, Jason dipped a finger into the sause pan in front of him then lifting it to his lip to taste, nods his head in satisfaction before turning his attention back to Kevin.

"Do you want some?" asked Jason.

"what is it?" Kevin asked

"Pasta and tomato sauce" said Jason, dishing out a portion and handing it to Kevin.

"It smells good so I may as well". replied Kevin taking the proffered plate.

The two sat and ate in silence. when they finished Jason took their plates to the sink.

"So tell me what did you wish for ?".asked Kevin

"What do you mean?"

"I mean did you make a birthday wish yet ? what did you wish for?" emphasized Kevin .

"You don't want to know" replied Jason shifting his attention back to the dishes.

"Come on tell me or are you scared your wish may not come true if you tell me.

"No" replied Jason in soft tones.

"well then out with it. Megan and the others already got you a trip but I got you nothing."

Fixing his gaze locked on Kevin's lips, Jason leaned closer to the other. Too focused on his intentions ,Jason didn't notice Kevin leaning away form him until the Kevin had taken a visible step back away from him.

"What are you doing" Kevin asked , his face showing just how confused he was.

Realizing the situation he was in ,Jason strove to compose him self before answering Kevin's question.

"Am sorry , am soo- sorry" Jason said moving way from Kevin's inquiring gaze and leaving the kitchen.

Following behind a disoriented Jason, Kevin called out to him but being ignored stood silently by the kitchen entrance.

"You should leave" said Jason, turning to face the other but not meeting his eyes.

"Look Jason we can forget about what happen earlier ok and just hang out like we use to" Kevin beseech Jason who was now pacing the living room,while occasionally running his fingers through his hair.

"Please just leave" Jason pleaded, adhering to his request Kevin gathered his belongs and left the apartment.

Jason spent the next few weeks avoiding Kevin,refusing to go to the bar and going out his way to keep away from the front counter at the gas station when ever Kevin came in for his usual morning coffee.

Going about his day as usual, Jason was busy stocking a shelves when he had the front bell jingle, he was not quick enough at docking as he meet Kevin's glaring gaze before he could stoop to the ground.

"Hi Rita" Kevin said as he walked past the front counter.

"Twice in a day, I never knew the coffee was that good" Rita's taunting voice replied.

Pretending not to have hard the approaching foot step or notice Kevin's overwhelming presence now standing close to him, Jason carried on stocking the shelve in front of him.

"Come on Jason, are you seriously going to keep avoiding me ?"

"Hi Kevin, what are you doing here by this time of the day?" Jason asked still focused on his task.

"Lunch break" replied Kevin moving closer to the stooping figure before him.

"I told you we don't have to talk about want happen, I didn't say- stay away from me". Kevin added in low tones

Standing to his feet as if coming to a sudden resolve, Jason said " you know what... you're right . it was childish of me, what was i thinking ..."

Kevin now stood smiling at Jason "So how about dinner tonight my treat " he said.

"No tonight won't do. May be tomorrow " replied Jason.

"Fine. tomorrow place ...I will cook , you get to try my cooking since I ate your awful pasta the other night" said Kevin trying to lighten the mood.

"Sure why not. Dinner at your place tomorrow, now if you don't mind I have to get back to work and your lunch break should be over my now"

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