Don't Mess with Kelsey; She'll Break Your Nose

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Excuse the Mistakes


“It’s nice to see you again, Babe.”

Julian, like the coward he seemed to be, stood across the small clearing in the cornfield, with two beefy teammates of his standing on either side of him. He honestly reminded me of that kid who had others do his muscle work because he was too much of a pussy to do it himself.

My arms were being held tightly behind me by one guy, and another had his hand over my mouth. If I wasn’t so pissed off at the moment, I might’ve been genuinely scared at what the Kings had in store for me. However, I was mad, and I wasn’t about to just stand here and let them hold me captive like helpless damsel in distress. However, I also wanted to wait for the right moment to get away.

“Now, don’t worry about yourself,” Julian said with a shrug, “We’re not going to kill you or anything violent. We just want to play a little prank on your teammates.”

 I frowned at Julian, completely lost on the effect that this would have on my team because, frankly, I felt like the one getting pranked. Julian, sensing my confusion, smirked. “It’s simple, really,” he explained in a cocky, pretentious way, “Obviously, your team, especially Dane, seem to care a whole lot about you. When they realize you’re not with them, they’re going to freak out and we get to watch.”

“Uh, how?” One of Julian’s teammates asked, cocking his head to the side. “I mean, if we’re here with her, how are we going to watch the Ice Devils freak out?”

“We’re not all staying here, idiot,” Julian replied, shooting him a dirty look. Then, he turned to look at me once again. “This prank is the perfect way to break your team’s focus and give us the opportunity to sneak in and kick their ass.”

I decided not to point out all of the flaws in his plan out loud, which was large in part to the fact that my mouth was still covered by a hand that smelled weird.

First of all, this prank was going to backfire completely. Julian was just going to piss off my teammates, and in the end, that was just going to make them want to kick the Kings’ asses. I thought it was somewhat amusing that Julian thought that he needed to pull a prank on my team just so that they could beat us, even though it wasn’t going to work. Julian was scared like the little bitch he was.

The second flaw was that I could probably get Julian and his teammates arrested, since this could be considered attempted kidnapping. However, that wasn’t going to happen because of the third reason this was going to backfire.

I’m not a damsel in distress.

I bit down hard on the hand that was holding me, and then I kicked back with my foot. I felt a connection with the guy holding me, and judging from his grunt, I’d managed to kick him where the sun doesn’t shine. I was instantly released, and I was pretty angry.

“Don’t just let her run away!” Julian yelled, like he was a mob boss.

The other teammates came at me, and I didn’t hesitate in sprinting through the cornstalks and out of the clearing. As I ran, I could hear the guys coming after me, but I couldn’t manage to find a break in the maze that was part of the path. That meant I had to keep pushing through the dense corn with no idea what direction I was heading in.

In a way, this seemed like its own horror me. The heroine was running from the bad guys, it was dark, and she had no idea where she was going. There were only a few things that were missing; me screaming, a monster, or a bloody weapon owned by Julian that I would eventually use to save myself and slaughter him.

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