Am I actually ready? Who knows!

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Excuse the mistakes

Picture on the side is of Penny (she's in this chapter later on)


I probably should’ve unpacked more.

As I stood in the middle of a bunch of boxes in my bedroom, my body clad in a towel from my morning shower, I found myself regretting the decision to be lazy after Nick had left. I’d unpacked one box of books, and then I’d spent the rest of the night before my dinner of Taco Bell on my laptop talking to friends on Facebook and googling pictures of Ryan Gosling shirtless.

Now, I had forty-five minutes to get ready for my first day at a new school, and I had no idea what clothes were in what boxes. Plus, to make matters worse, I could only use one hand to search, since my other hand was clutching my towel and keeping it closed.

I pushed my damp bangs out of my face, and I reached forward into the first box that I’d opened, which had thankfully contained some clothes. Well, by clothes, I mean underwear and some pajamas and sweatshirts.

I made the effort to match my bra and panties, since matching under equals a fantastic day, and then I took the towel I has around my body and dried my hair the best I could. I started to search through the other boxes, and after a good ten minutes, I managed to put together an outfit that was pretty cute.

I shimmied into the light skinny jeans, and then I pulled on a black v-neck with the Batman symbol on it, which I’d bought in the guy’s section of Kohl’s. I shoved my feet into a pair of red Vans, and then I hurried into the bathroom that connected to my bedroom.

Thankfully, the limited collection of makeup that I owned I’d packed in my duffel, so I knew where that was, as well as my blow-dryer and brush. I checked the time on my phone and groaned when I saw that I had half an hour to get to the school to meet my student aide.

Quickly, I blow-dried my pale blonde hair, and it fell down my shoulders in soft waves. I ran a brush through it to try and get rid of some of the static electricity that mingled with my hair, and then I opened my small makeup pouch. I used some concealer on the dark circles under my eyes, and then I applied some simple black eyeliner and mascara.

Then, I walked back into my bedroom and quickly emptied my backpack, which had been full of things that I’d traveled with yesterday. Then, I grabbed the notebooks and folders from my desk, which I’d barely had the opportunity to use at my last school, and I shoved them into the turquoise Jansport backpack.

“Kelsey,” my dad called from downstairs, “We have to get going or you’re going to be late.”

“Coming!” I replied, and I slung my backpack onto my shoulders and hurried out of my bedroom. I hopped down the stairs and stood in front of my dad, who was leaning against the staircase banister, and I nodded towards the door. “Let’s go.”

“Awesome,” my dad said tiredly, and I grinned at him. My dad, unlike me, had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning unpacking boxes since he didn’t start work until next Monday. However, he hadn’t really thought it threw since he had to be up to take me to school at seven fifteen in the morning.

I followed my dad out of the front door, and I climbed into the passenger seat of his Pilot. My dad grunted as he sat down, and it took him a moment to get his key into the ignition. Then, after the engine roared to life, he pulled out of the driveway and started down the street towards the school.

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