Chapter 1: Loves United

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Malin clasped his hands over his ears, glaring at Astra. It's only been a few hours and she was screaming her lungs out, bugging them to find Des. He turned on his heels towards Astra and snapped, "ASTRA, SHUT UP ALREADY! BELLA'S STILL UNCONSCIOUS!"

"No, I'm not..."

He yelped and fell on his back, Bella loomed over him. Her face looked bored, but he could see a hint of giddiness behind it. Must be because of Arrow's revival. She slugged him in the shoulder, stepping away from him and next to Arrow. "What was that for?!" Malin muttered under his breath as he rubbed his shoulder. Astra slunk her head next to his leg, flicking her tongue out and looking sad. "That's not going to work." He rolled his eyes. The dragon huffed and swatted her tail at the air angrily. "Well, what if I told you we have until a Full Moon?! CUZ IT'S TRUE, RUNT!"

Malin felt rage boil. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A RUNT, YOU OBSESSIVE BEAST!" He froze after that bit of rant and recalled her words. Have until a Full Moon? "Astra, what in the world do you mean that we have a Full Moon?" He asked, forcing his shaky fists down. She blew out a plume of fire and sat up. "At the invasion, I heard some guy Laura, the Dredrim Queen, summoned say something about 'gaining full power at a Full Moon'."

Malin's heart began to speed up its pace. "Any idea what the guy's name is?!" He asked worriedly. She nodded. "When he was summoned, she said something along the lines of, 'Gira, come forth from the Distort Realm!' And then he appeared from a giant hoop." This was exactly what Malin was scared about. He had heard of the legends of the Ultimate Chaos, Gira, as a child, but never thought he was real! He had wreaked havoc on Esenon with all kinds of dark things, until someone had trapped him from where he came from and used a stone to keep him from escaping. He was in there for centuries, until now... And a Full Moon is when he can achieve even more power.

He twisted his head at the sky, examining the evening sky. He would have to wait a bit until he saw the moon. Unless he used a spell. Locking his hands into a tight grip together, he focused his mind into his magic pool and thought of a symbol. It was a star with circles at each point. Malin shut his eyes and reopened them, surrounded by a black sky and stars and the moon. First Quarter moon.

Half a month.

"Ok, we are on a schedule for this..." Malin muttered. Astra shook him wildly, snapping him out of the spell. "DO YOU SEE?!" She roared madly like an insane person. Malin smacked her talons that gripped him, making her withdraw. "I see. I saw it clear as day." He hissed. The dragon snarled and stormed off next to Lynn, who was fiddling with a batch of nightshade flowers. I hope she knows that those are poisonous... He thought worriedly. Doing the opposite of what he thought, she plucked one off from its fellow death flowers and stuck its petals in her mouth. Lynn! His mind howled. Before he made a move, Bella threw a dagger at him, halting his movements abruptly. "She can resist poisons," She answered his horrified look, "So don't worry. She's testing something."

Lynn flicked her tail to and fro, chewing thoughtfully. "It's not nightshade, but a plant with a similar look to it called decoy bell. I did need some nightshade, though..." She glanced at the violet bells and tossed the stem of the decoy bell away as if it were a wrapper of something. He saw the so-called nightshade batch change colors and form like a dragon changing scales. After a few seconds, they were Venus flytraps, the jaws open wide. Lynn sighed and got up, dusting herself. He never knew the Dāku could resist poison, but how? He didn't bother to ask her, however.

"Oh, and guys!" Astra said in an obviously fake cheery tone, "We have half a month until Gira achieves full power and brings disorder on all of the world!"

The morale of the group plummeted like a rock at that comment. Lynn screeched, "WHAT?! INSANITY!"
He had to question the enigmatic cat sometimes.

The group, aside from Astra, Lynn, and Malin, moaned, "Do we HAVE to save the world?"

Astra stamped a foot down, snarling, "YES! IT ISN'T ONLY FOR DES, BUT FOR ALL OF HUMANITY!"

Bella and Artemis and Arrow rolled their eyes, crossing their arms. "Ya know we aren't the types that save the world, correct?" Said Bella in an annoyed way. Astra blew out a small flame in rage, clenching her talons in the dirt. "Still!" She growled, "Don't you want to stop the entire world from evil and chaos and disorder?!"


"Gosh darn..." Malin said under his breath. These guys were REALLY stubborn, apparently. So stubborn, in fact, that they refuse to save the world. He noticed Arrow shifted uneasily a bit in the corner of his eye. Suspicious... He thought. "Bella, can I have a word for you?" The Draconian leaned over and tapped his girlfriend on the shoulder. She turned her attention to him and nodded, following him into a different part of the forest. Curious, Malin activated an invisibility spell and felt a cold trickle down his spine. When the chill left, he looked down at nothing but the ground. He turned on his heels and walked after the two love dragons, a tingle of excitement courses through him. He had never tried sneaking much, and the rest of the group was oblivious that he had just left. Weird.

His concentration broke when he heard a happy squeal. He darted into a bush, looking out between the leaves and branches. In the beautiful moonlit clearing stood Arrow and Bella, Arrow held her hands gently while smiling. Bella never looked any happier than tonight that he had ever seen.

"Of course!" She said excitedly, hugging him tightly.



Hello lovely people who have been reading this mediocre series I have been working on!(along with the amazing help of BellaLoneWolf10 ) If you have been following the misadventures of the characters in Esenon and been wondering, "Why hasn't Ashy posted chapter one, dangit?!" Then I am sorry. I have been busy with things(Very important things :3) and just been plain-out lazy. That's my biggest weakness: Being lazy
Anyways, thanks if you have been following the Fated Wonders series, and we introduce the beginning of the end of the first ever series Bella and I have ever worked on ever since we first joined Wattpad!

~Ashy (◕‿‿◕)

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