WITH ALL SERIOUSNESS: This book is an absolute trainwreck. Unless you're a masochist, please just go find a better book.
(Book 4)
Laura, queen of the Dredrim, has gotten a hold of the Chaos Stone and the beast within it, along with Des, who she plan...
This was the last time that I had posted a chapter . . .
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This was the last time I actually worked on the next chapter . . .
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It is now Dec 20, 2016, two months later.
I have a perfectly logical explanation (kinda/sorta/maybe).
1) Procrastination/School You've heard me use procrastination as an excuse many times, but school is understandable. I've been busy keeping my grades up, so no time for writing stories.
2)Overwatch Ye, I'm not over a hundred yet, but that's because I've been busy with other stuff. But Overwatch is still fun to play. I mean, you can play as: Banana Man! Elso! Play of the Game and Watch! Kawaii Desu Girl! Ryuu Ga Waga Teki Wo Go Frick Yourself! Lúcio! 'Murican Dad! Sombrero! Hipster!
And many more! (If someone can guess all these characters I'll be so happy)
3)A Whole new WOOOOOORRRLLLDDD :D Not much of a world, but a different story.
Over the time that I've written Fated Wonders, I've always come up with so many story ideas—fanfiction or nonfanfiction—but threw away so many ideas.
Then there's one particular story that has my attention and I've been working on.
It's a science fiction, and was inspired by Zeurel's Civil War: Down to Earth animation. I'll leave a link to his YouTube video now: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0uRmgCP-as8 (Note: OK, the link doesn't work, but feel free to look him up on Newgrounds, YouTube, and DeviantArt. (Not sponsoring just giving credit to the idea)) I won't talk much about it, but I'm working on it. :3
4)Misc. •GUYS, I WATCHED A LETS PLAY ON OUTLAST AND I LOVE IT. ASDFGHJKL DON'T HURT ME WALRIDER. •Our new cat does nothing but fight . . . •Skyrim: Remastered Edition •My heart feels empty help me •And many more!
That should cover it all for now! There's some extra stuff, but no need to go over it. Well, I'm going to go look at more memes! ~Ashy