Chapter 2: Takeshi's Return

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Malin slapped a hand over his mouth to keep himself from shouting. He couldn't— well, they are a couple. Arrow had just proposed to Bella. He'd never seen her so happy in her life. To him, she always seemed moody and violent. Apparently, she has a soft spot. He thought, slinking away silently so that they didn't know he was spying on them and get torn to bits.

Something heavy smacked into his back, forcing him down. He only made a quiet grunt, an uncomfortable feeling tickled his spine and limbs. Was it Astra? Too light for a dragon. Sky? He would be able to tell right away. Who was it? He strained his head around and almost screamed before the person's hand slammed over his mouth. Wait, it was more of a blood hand. It was Takeshi. Malin immediately pushed his free hand against Takeshi's face, burning his left cheek. He just growled, the burn started to mend itself as soon as Malin yanked his hand off. Now he knew how Des felt like when he was attacked. And how did he find them?!

"I have an extremely good sense of smell, little runt." He hissed quietly.

Did he just read his mind or something?! And how were Bella and Arrow not hearing this?! He heard a muffled noise somewhere that sounded a lot like someone charging up a fire spell. He guessed right as a fireball flew over them, nearby hitting Takeshi. A nervous look spread over his face as the fireball smacked into the ground and vanished like a leaf in a fire. Malin felt the weight of his captor loosen up, so he weaseled his way out and bolted off, ignoring the other round of fire spells that was blasted at both him and Takeshi. His feet pounded against the ground as he ran swiftly, not looking out for the tree that he smacked into. He felt his head explode with pain as he made an impact with the thick oak. Silently swearing under his breath, he rubbed it and glanced back, not spotting anyone.

"Right here."

He yelped and nearly fell on his rear as Takeshi descended from the branched upside down, his hood over his spiky head. He gestured his hands in a way that asked for Malin to calm down, frowning nervously. Malin shut his mouth, scared about what would happen if he didn't hush. Takeshi looked around cautiously, his blood arms were still out, bent like a spider's. "Alright, I have some information you might want." He whispered, leaning close to Malin. He froze up, wondering what he meant. "I know where your friend is-"


Takeshi rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Ya see, I'm a Cerdal, and we have some connections with the Dredrim. And I saw him." He said, a serious look in his eyes. Malin eyed him suspiciously. "If you're with them, then how do we know this isn't a trick?" He growled.

"Oh my GOSH!" Takeshi cried with rage, his blood arms became a bubbly mess as they retreated into his back. "Look, in practically a loner there since I'm considered a 'mistake'!" Malin couldn't resist the urge to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Takeshi cocked his head to the side curiously.

Malin was able to say through his sputtering of laughter, "We have a different definition of 'mistake'." Takeshi's face went red. "S-shut up! We have a different meaning! Anyways, I know where your friend is, alright!?" Both of them turned their heads to the right as a furious noise of wingbeats sounded off in the distance. "Duck." Said Malin plainly as he bent down. Takeshi pulled up just in time as a flash of scales flew between them, skidding across the ground and running up to them.

Astra's tail wagged madly. "Where's Des?!" She demanded, grabbing a hold of Takeshi and shaking him. Malin snickered at his plight. The Cerdal's blood arms came out and grasped Astra's talon, stopping her. "He's in-"


Bella and Arrow bolted in as dragons and tackled Malin and Takeshi, snapping at their throats. Astra growled, "He was just about to tell us where Des was-!" Bella swatted her tail near Astra's snout. "Yeah, yeah, let us rip out their spines before they do." She snarled. Takeshi quivered fearfully under Arrow's sharp talons. Bella snorted, smoke fuming from her mouth.

Malin didn't even try to struggle. Why bother when she would most likely disown him? Astra blew out a plume of smoke, choking Takeshi for a moment. "Look, you might not wanna be a savoir of the world, and you could care less for Des, but what about the ones who DO wanna save him?" She snapped, lashing her tail. Bella rolled her eyes. "Astra, nobody-"

"I do." Malin said sternly, glaring at the dragon that held him down. Her eyes went cold as she stared at him. He had sided up with Astra, one, she had saved his live when he was left for dead by Cress, two, him and Des had been traveling together for a while, and three, he had a heart. "I'm sure Lynn and Takeshi are on the same boat." sneered Astra. Bella and Arrow traded glances, reluctantly pulling up their claws, both of them shifting back. Takeshi stuck his tongue out at Arrow and climbed into the tree a away from him, crossing his legs. Malin got up and stepped next to Astra.

"I'm pretty sure 'Kitten' will be happy you made this choice." Malin joked. Bella immediately slapped Malin across the cheek, hissing, "Only I can call her that!" Malin whined quietly as he rubbed the slap mark. "It's just a-" Takeshi began before Bella flicked a fireball at him. A blood arm lashed out and caught it, chucking it into the sky. "No more fire." He said bluntly, the extra limb disappearing.

Astra tucked her wings close to her sides, turning her head to Takeshi. "So, where is Des?" She said impatiently. Takeshi leaned his head against the trunk, then said, "The fortress. It's not the stronghold, so I'll have to guide ya'll. So, I'll join your questing party." He said in an amused way, plucking a twig from a branch and twisting it between his fingers. "We aren't letting you on!" Said Bella, crossing her arms. He shrugged. "Then you'll never find him."

"We're letting him join us since Des doesn't have a tracker on him, unfortunately." Said Malin. Bella growled, "Why can't we use magic to find him!?"

"Because they have extremely powerful enchantments around the fortress that prevents tracking magic and anything even related to it, and Dredrim are extremely powerful spellcasters, remember." Takeshi said. Arrow tapped his foot on the ground. "So? If we combine-" He started before he was rudely interrupted by Takeshi again. "Hope ya like dealing with an entire army, mind slaves, Shadowshapers, a queen, and a guy that can teleport you into a realm and trap you there for an eternity. And combining magic won't  work, either."

Let's try not to break it, like, EVER.
Anyways, it's moi, Ashy, and enjoy this chapter that I worked on for two days I am not kidding.


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